No more skirting the issue. No more beating around the bush. No more even pretending to give a shit. The sitting President of the United States just came out in a statement, and gave us the value of a...
These are dark days, there's no doubt about it. Like Sauron in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Trump has cast his dark cloud over the entire land. Pundits, and even some Democratic presidential candidates are calling the 2020 election more...
Donald Trump made it clear to one and all today that the United States is indeed a banana republic and that human rights considerations are now a thing of the past. Trump made a statement of support for the...
So far, the highlight of the G20 summit in Argentina has been the spectacle of Vladmir Putin and Mohammad bin Salman “high-fiving” one another as they met to discuss expanding their respective spheres of influence in the world.  According to Josh...
As I wrote yesterday, you can tell that China is royally pissed at the US for floating the story about Putin Asking China for military assistance, whether he actually did or not. Because it puts China in the middle...
Those two good ole boys, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are having a real laugh riot at the G20 Summit in Osaka. Life and death is just a giggle to this vaudeville act, especially when the topic is the...
The Guardian published a story on the British Government's investigation into the role Facebook played in the Brexit vote, one that is hauntingly familiar in its overlap to that Facebook played in the election of Donald Trump, such that...
Steven Miller, the former aide to President Donald Trump who helped push forward that administration's racist and draconian policies looks like he stepped right out of the Nazi playbook. And while the Biden administration and House Republicans haggle over...
Mike Pence apparently thought that he could game the Irish with saying a "special prayer" for them and choking up over Ireland being his ancestral home -- wrong. Having been to Ireland and being of Irish descent, I can...
Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer succinctly summarizes the effect that Donald Trump has had on global politics since taking office. From the Iran deal withdrawl, which Fischer characterizes as disastrous, to Israel, which is closer to a war...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead