Take a little stroll with me for a moment down memory lane. You won't need a backpack, we're not going that far, only a couple of weeks. But I think you'll find it worth the trip. Flash back just a...
Jonathan Turley in today's USA Today says that the latest news about Trump's demand for Sessions to "unrecuse himself" (like Nunes?) from the Russia investigation, may reveal the president defense to an obstruction charge in court. Let me say right...
One small step for the RNC, one giant leap for Michael Cohen. Cohen resigned as deputy finance chair of the Republican National Committee Wednesday, citing both the Mueller investigation and his disagreement with Trump’s attempt to use kidnapping as...
Well, well, well. Another lowlife precinct heard from. Alan Dershowitz, the “crazy Uncle Ernie” at the legal Thanksgiving dinner table, popped his head out of his hole a full two months early to see his shadow, and opened his...
AP is reporting that Mueller has interviewed Tom Barrack, who is a close friend and supporter of Trump: One of the people who spoke to AP said the questioning focused entirely on two officials from Trump’s campaign who have been...
Hey? Have you noticed that, despite the fact that Rudy Giuliani, former top prosecutor in the Department of Justice, together with Trump's boy in Congress, Nuness (and now McConnell) keep whining - as so perfectly put in the column alongside...
Here we go subpoena and Supreme Court. Maybe this is a sign of Trump feeling the walls draw that much closer, but his legal team has reversed itself on what it agreed to only last week. At that time...
If you go over to Donald Trump's Twitter feed right now, you'll find this gem. https://twitter.com/VinceCoglianese/status/1154164316238700546 He's having a field day. The rest of us heard that Trump couldn't be indicted for crimes while in office, but could be upon leaving...
If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury...Whatever you got, finish it the hell up   Representative Trey Gowdy I live for this shit. You know how, when somebody's...
Rudy Giuliani is working for Trump pro bono, and once again he’s displayed that he’s being amply compensated. The New York Times just broke the story that Michael Cohen secretly recorded a conversation with Trump discussing payments made to...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead