This will get dangerous for regular people, unless it is stopped soon, it will get dangerous. The far right of the far right is getting far out of hand. The FBI certainly understands the threat, and appears to be...
Of all of the scandals in the Trump administration, and they are legion, SharpieGate will go down in history as the text book example in abject stupidity and political machinations for the sole purpose of protecting the Fool in...
Kavanaugh, who portrayed himself in high dramatic fashion on Thursday made it easier to picture him as the aggressive, entitled teen who goes to rapey drinking parties and gets upset when, years later, someone musters up enough courage to...
It's an Orwellian axiom that "who controls the present, controls the past and who controls the past, controls the future." There is no better device to control the present and the flow of information than the internet, and the...
Brett Kavanaugh's first real public words to the world involved an almost farcical lie as attempt-to-kiss-the-ring of the man who just appointed him to be the swing vote on the Supreme Court. Let's be extremely clear here. This man was...
I wonder if Sekulow or Giuliani or somebody who went to law school could explain first semester Torts to Donald Trump. The truth is an absolute defense to any charge of defamation. Trump doesn't know that. He claims that...
Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator, went before the Senate Budget Committee yesterday to chat and answer some compelling questions. Before we get to the specifics, it is worth noting that in any other administration, Pruitt would not have lasted one third...
Kevin Hassett, chair of Donald Trump’s Economic Advisory Council recently said that the furloughed workers were actually “’better off’ because they’re getting time off without having to use any of their vacation days.” This is when the TSA workers have...
Where would we be without the depth of insight of Ted Cruz? Answer: anywhere would be an improvement. Here is the Texas Senator's take on the political demise of his buddy John Bolton. Of course, it's not Donald Trump's...
A new picture of Ivanka holding her son has thrown the net into a cauldron of anger about Trump's new "policy" (it's not even written in policy, it is now just a practice) to "deter" illegal border crossings by...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead