Shadow secretary of state and self-anointed Democratic liaison Jared Kushner, apparently wants to add to the list of things that he’s tasked with and cannot accomplish, or Big Daddy is really punishing him this time, because Kushner is now...
Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) is seeking an injunction to stop the vote on the Kavanaugh confirmation, citing that the Senate’s right to advice and consent has been obstructed. Politico: Merkley's bid for an injunction hinges on the Senate's constitutional duty...
Hiding from Donald Trump is more common than you might think.  6’8” James Comey tried it in Spring of 2017, when he hoped to blend into the curtains in the Blue Room, to avoid an encounter with Trump. Unfortunately,...
History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes    Mark Twain Sometimes it's kind of cute and funny when life imitates art. Other times it's damn near terrifying, and this is one of those times Trump's actions over the last few...
I thought at the time that Watergate was the nadir of democracy, the worst possible thing that had ever happened to the country, or ever could happen to us, a corrupt and crooked president, lying to the American people....
Rudy Giuliani has done the nearly impossible; he has actually managed to single handedly plunge the national discourse into even greater depths of confusion and absurdity than it was in less than a week ago. Pundits are parsing through...
Remember when P.T. Barnum charged rubes a quarter to see the “egress” and they paid it over, not knowing what the word meant? Caveat emptor and all that? Barnum was a rank amateur, now we have Acting Attorney General...
Working at the White House used to be the pinnacle of a communications professional's career, whether one was press secretary, communications director, or even one of the communications office staff. It was quite the honor to be there, the...
Donald Trump called Wilbur Ross “a legendary Wall Street genius” when he appointed him Secretary of Commerce, which in Trumpspeak translates as “crooked as hell, just like me and all my cronies.” Ross allegedly stole interests in an equity...
Preet Bharara told Wolf Blitzer today that he didn’t see Rudy Giuliani lasting too much longer as Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, despite Trump’s protestations that “Rudy is a terrific guy.” Bharara said, “Trump loves you on Monday, hates you on...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead