All-caps screaming on Truth Social is Donald Trump’s normal voice, so that certainly doesn’t get any attention. But quoting Patrick Henry’s most impassioned speech, and in doing so possibly landing himself behind bars, is focusing attention on this particular post of his. Justice Juan Merchan not only drew his line very clearly, he reiterated that he had drawn it and that he would not allow the rule of law to be trifled with. Trump has paid for ten gag order violations, $1,000 per violation, but for him that’s pocket change. So the judge made extra clear that the end had been reached and that it was incarceration on the next offense. Here’s the post.

You can see the obvious controversy here. Once again the judge and people involved with the trial are characterized as “lowlifes” “sleazebags” and “grifters.” He calls the judge, not for the first time, “corrupt” and “conflicted.” He calls everybody in general “THUGS.” And Trump’s comment about “not being able to respond in the most modest fashion” is comical. He started cursing when Stormy Daniels was on the stand yesterday. He said “bullshit” when Stormy mentioned spanking him. It was loud enough for the judge to hear and that’s when the judge pulled Todd Blanche into a sidebar and told him to get his client under control.

Merchan could have used that outburst as justification to jail Trump. It was a clear violation of the judge’s previous instruction that Trump would not be allowed to intimidate witnesses. But of course that bounced off Trump because everything does. This is a man who never grew up, a teenager, if that, in a body that will turn 78 in a little over one month. He simply never learned the basics of self control that the yous and mes internalized early on because he never had to. He was always the big shot, the one in control and you had to play by his rules.

That’s why it’s comical when Alina Habba or Lara Trump take to the airwaves and wail about the “two-tiered justice system.” Yes, there is one. And if Trump wasn’t in the privileged tier, his ass would have been in a jail cell long before this.

So what will happen now? Court convenes tomorrow and the judge could decide that what you just read is a gag order violation. Now, he could order Trump to jail. Or, the judge does have discretion to order Trump to do community service. That would be an experience. I would like to see the Mango Messiah pick up trash for even four hours. That would be something to behold. Not saying that will happen, saying that it is an available remedy.

Another possibility is putting Trump under house arrest in Trump Tower with an ankle monitor. That’s a good idea, actually. Trump will try to spin it as cruel and unusual punishment but sitting in his plush 5th Avenue home is going to be difficult to spin as a hardship. He can also claim that the ankle monitor keeps him from the campaign trail but is he on that trail today? No. He’s down in Mar-a-Lago having a party with people who have purchased his NFTs. Make no mistake, Trump’s job is grifting. He has to do a rally once in a while to keep the money flowing, but his real work is convincing people to give him money.

An ankle monitor or community service are great ideas. And the best idea of all is incarcerating Trump. What to do without a hairstylist and Diet Coke, in a smelly, germ filled place where the toilets aren’t gold? Maybe that’s what Trump needs to find out.

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  1. Brave words from Cadet Bone-spurs. He belongs in custody for the duration of this trial. Some of his supporters may go ape, but the majority of Americans would absolutely love to see him in an orange jumpsuit rather than make-up. Lock him up!

  2. 💩-45 … just put in lard butt in jail over the weekend. SS… federal agents. Job is to the constitution. If he keeps up his behavior… then house arrest in trump tower and community service.

  3. Trump has NEVER risked his own cash, except for his written check to settle the Stormy crash … Even that checking account might be one of his deposit channels for his grifted cash, after all, he did order up a lot of fast food to the determent of his personal health …

    In spite of every warning and apparently his total lack of common sense, Trump is dancing on thin Spring-melt ice …

    Trumpty-Dumpty is heading for a great fall, no one can save him, he has micro- managed his total loss of any value of his businesses, ground his judges and staffs into monsters of retributions, with no escape plans out there, Trump will be burned bad, any stint in jail and or prison will adjust his attitudes and show him as the 3-4 year-old cry baby he really is …

    The GOP will have NO CHOICE, but to terminate Trump’s run for the WH, chances are he may even be muzzled in the court room or only allowed remote TV views by court-controlled cameras, (No views of the jury that could be used for their ID’s …)

    Trump has become the biggest embarrassment to our country and really needs a good number of years without access to his phone OR the media …

    Knowing Trump is a fart machine and scared to think about real conditions in prison, will by his phony superman thinking, turn into a babbling vegetable after only a couple weeks of isolation and prison food …

  4. I think it’s Taiwan where community service trash pickup is done in a pink jumpsuit with hello kitty. that would work for me. then we can see all the magas wearing them with signs saying real men wear pink hello kitty jumpsuits.

  5. Not apropos of anything but here’s how’s I seeuz it. Two worlds exist, one being the word salad speeches of his and the written text put out on TS. The difference is syntax and clarity are astounding which (to me) obviously means it’s not him who must not be named writing these postings. Surprised? Me neither.


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