Donald Trump is flexing some political muscle like any mob boss. He sent a letter to Meta on Tuesday, asking the platform to unban him and explaining how that is in the public interest to do so. Some excerpts...
Governor Ron DeSantis has managed to stay somewhat impressively on-task in the State of Florida. Of course, it's the awful task of stamping out anything that sounds like "DEI" type of education or involves some kind of COVID follow-up rule....
The GOP may have created Donald Trump as their Frankenstein's monster, but the monster that's even bigger and worse and harder to control is the anti-vaxx lie about COVID-19. Not even Monster One can keep the ball rolling for...
You can't make this stuff up. George W. Bush was arguably the worst president since Andrew Jackson until Donald Trump came along. Now 45 is going after 43 and he has no sense of irony. The guy who put this...
The arrival of a new Trump tell-all book necessitates going back over the same old ground we went over before and found it unbelievable then. It doesn't sound any less incredible in the second telling, it's merely lost some...
This is not a good sign. Cyrus Vance left office and his successor, Alvin Bragg, has indicated that he has doubts about whether he can make the fraud case against Donald Trump stick. Isn't that remarkable? Apparently it's remarkable...
Meetings like these were speculated upon back when Donald Trump first took office. It was known then that he was unstable and a fool and many journalists and pundits speculated that key staffers and the military had taken it...
We hold this truth to be self evident, that it's not a good idea to take a $100,000 donation from a nice Republican couple from Idaho and then spend the evening grabbing the wife's ass and talking about how...
What would happen if the pushmi pullyou dropped acid and decided to become a Republican political strategist? Answer: he would waffle between deifying Donald Trump and throwing him under the bus for his heresy in Alabama on the subject...
To know the Trumps is to hate them, apparently, or at the very least to use them. That's what Donald and Melania always claim is going on when their misbehavior is chronicled, it's just some awful person trying to...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead