You can’t make this stuff up. George W. Bush was arguably the worst president since Andrew Jackson until Donald Trump came along. Now 45 is going after 43 and he has no sense of irony.

The guy who put this on Twitter is a Newsmax “journalist.” That says a lot. That says that this is right-wing dogma now. And what that says is that Dubya’s call for unity and statement of truth about domestic terrorists has put him on the outs with the far right.

Trump is the anti-democratic candidate now. He stands in opposition not only to the Democrats but to the traditional Republicans as well. This is not how democracy works. The first rule of a democratically elected representative government is that the party out of power will one day return to power. The second rule is alliances formed across the aisle are a good thing. Trump doesn’t stand for any of that. He’s too stupid and he’s an outsider. He doesn’t know the first thing about government — and that’s his appeal. That’s his appeal.

It’s like saying don’t hire a surgeon to do your operation, have somebody you like to do it, somebody you saw on television. Nobody would be so stupid as to think a rank amateur could remove an appendix, but they have no problem thinking that a rank amateur could successfully discharge the duties of the nation’s highest office. What this blind spot is, I haven’t a clue.

This is who we are in 2021. It will be interesting to see how much press this latest toxic whale spew of Trump’s gets.


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  1. Ssnd for Dr Kildare (and then go fetch Quincy to find out what went wrong) and Dirty Harry can round up the bad guys

    I think they live in a real make-believe world where the only ‘real’ things are what they see on the screen of the idiot box

  2. Funny. I thought the propaganda of our culture pushes the idea that ‘drugs’ are bad,(cue up Mr Macky from South park), cuz you supposedly lose touch with reality, putting urself & others in harms way. Seems ‘sobriety’ is much more dangerous. Potheads didn’t kill 650,000 & COUNTING. Potheads didn’t start Iraq or Afghanistan. Pothead didn’t try to
    end democracy with violence.. Pothead didn’t vaporize 140,000 innocent people or firebomb Tokyo or dresden. No Virginia. Sober people CLEARLY are the problem.

  3. The part about the doctor got me to thinking about an old ad campaign by a well known hotel chain. Replace the words “Holiday Express” with Trump Hotel and you have the typical MAGAt that thinks they know all kinds of complicated shit they are actually clueless about.

    • I suspect few MAGAts could afford even a night at one of the former guy’s hotels. Or a meal in one of his restaurants. But they still think they matter to him as something other than a source of money.

      • Um, no, that would’ve been “Robert Young”–the actor who played Marcus Welby–except it wasn’t Young but rather actor Chris Robinson (Dr Rick Webber from the soap opera, “General Hospital”) who “originated” the line in a Vicks 44 cough syrup commercial. Robinson was replaced as spokesman (after a conviction for tax evasion!) by Peter Bergman (Dr Cliff Warner from the soap, “All My Children”).


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