This is good. Carrey has captured the essence of Trump with minimalist flourish. I like it. Here’s a couple more. To receive articles of mine not published elsewhere become a patron on Patreon. Please follow me on Twitter @ursulafaw56  
I love the tradition of muckraking journalists in this country, whether it’s Ambroise Bierce, Upton Sinclair, or the good people at Mother Jones. An addition to this group is Ronan Farrow, who broke the Harvey Weinstein story, for which...
It's official, Megyn Kelly's off the air at NBC. According to an NBC press release Friday, a variety of other anchors will fill in the slot that she previously occupied. It wasn't just her racist gaffe on Tuesday about...
Nah, I ain’t talking about Ghouliani’s oral farts on the Sunday morning talking head smorgasbord, that’s just the same old shit in a different colored tie.And I’m not talking about his desperate paddlefooting on Monday, what I like to...
Last weekend, The Boston Globe proposed a coordinated editorial response from publications across the U.S. against Trump's frequent media attacks.  Today, more than 300 news outlets joined in the campaign to counter President Donald Trump's attacks and promote a...
We are at a horrific crossroads in history, where freedom of speech and dissemination of truth are at stake. A dissident journalist known throughout the Arab world for his commitment to getting out the truth, was horrifically murdered October...
For anyone who might still be harboring illusions of Melania’s independent thinking from her hubby’s, or even that she might be a stealth member of the Resistance, disabuse yourself of such notions now. Melania perfectly echoes Trump’s favorite enemy...
This is beyond poor taste, this is depraved. Watch the beginning of this clip, where for 3 seconds a photo of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the years of her life (presumably ending this year) are displayed. Steve Doocy eventually jumped...
Trump ‘fuming and isolated’ in tense White House, aides reveal   The Independent Donald Trump left isolated in the White House   The Australian Donald Trump is sullen, isolated, abandoned, and alone   Mother Jones Loss of star player leaves Trump more isolated   ABC News Raging, isolated Trump retreats deeper into his bubble   The Washington Post I’m going […]
The New York Times is almost quaint, in the era of Trump. It always speaks politely and uses referents like "Mr." Trump, and it comes up with euphemisms for his lies and racist speech -- probably because to tell...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead