Will the last one leaving Russia please turn off the lights and let the cat out? You know, if you buy the popular culture line about the KGB, it's like joining the old American Mafia. You walk in on your feet,...
Oh. My. God. At this point, if Sarah Huckabee Sanders has a single shred of self respect left in her unwelcome in public restaurants body, there is only one thing left for her to do. She must follow the...
You know, I'm not so sure that Rupert Murdoch and his band of flying howler monkeys over at FUX News aren't about to bite off more than they can chew. Watching their prime time lineup these days is like...
Ya know, I really miss Anthony Scaramucci sometimes. Especially when you contrast his flamboyant, over the top enthusiasm for Trump to the serious, almost spiteful Josef Goebbels like pronouncements of Blarah Flackabee Slanders. Who doesn't occasionally pine for a...
Oh, this makes my day. Hell, it makes my week. According to a new report on Politico, Trump may be about to learn that while the GOP may tolerate his filthy mouth and urges, the rest of us don't have...
It's official, Megyn Kelly's off the air at NBC. According to an NBC press release Friday, a variety of other anchors will fill in the slot that she previously occupied. It wasn't just her racist gaffe on Tuesday about...
Let's start our Saturday rime together off on a lighter note. By far and away, my choice for "Comment of the Week" goes to Chuck Rosenberg, a former federal prosecutor. Talking on MSNBC about Trump's invitation for Vlad the...
I wonder if I should start putting "enemy of mankind" in the box on my income tax return that says "occupation." RWNJ radio host Glenn Beck just defined this term for us and are you ready? It's "anybody with...
Chris Cuomo from CNN interviewed Kayleigh McEnany, the Trump Campaign's very own Kelly Anne Conway, last night. It did not go well. Cuomo confronted McEnany about Trump's lies. Kayleigh responded that gravity pushes airplanes up into the sky, and anti-gravity allows...
I love the tradition of muckraking journalists in this country, whether it’s Ambroise Bierce, Upton Sinclair, or the good people at Mother Jones. An addition to this group is Ronan Farrow, who broke the Harvey Weinstein story, for which...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead