In a Daily Beast column titled “Art of the Moron,” Republican Strategist Wilson writes a merciless analysis of the summit, saying it was absurd for Trump call it a victory by pointing to a joint statement signed by the...
Robin Williams presciently said years ago that Canada was like “the nice apartment over the meth lab.” Sounds about right, in the era of Trump. Canada is not standing still for the slurs irreverently and wrongly hurled at their...
That's right, the Moron-in-Chief said this morning on Twitter that, “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” He also reassures the U.S. and the world that “everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office.” Thanks Trump. Mission...
This week in Trump World was an epic exercise in Orwellian doublethink. As GOP strategist Rick Wilson points out it was a time to terrify our allies and legitimize our enemies. Not many people could figure out a way...
"Kim Jung Un loves his people." Donald Trump The United States has never had the moral authority it acted as though it deserved, or even pretended to have, but it used to have some, no matter how much our human rights...
Shinzo Abe is no fool and God knows he went out of his way to stroke Trump and ingratiate himself to him, even going along with being called “Shinzo,” and rhapsodizing about chocolate cake. And Trump led him on,...
You know, there's nothing I love more than watching Ali Velshi on MSNBC take apart some brainless GOP twit, usually a congressman, who dares to venture into the economic logic arena with Velshi. And it's always amusing to watch...
Fox and Friends was ready for a party. Our Dear Leader met with their Dear Leader and saved the world. Unfortunately, Fox invited the wrong conservative in Ben Shapiro to share in what was clearly intended to be a celebration...
It is almost impossible to discern what exactly took place in Singapore while we all slept. A wholly non-binding agreement - a statement - got signed. But, the statement included no provisions for human rights abuses, no provisions for...
Guy Verhofstadt, former Prime Minister of Belgium and the European Parliament's Brexit representative, used the now-widely seen photo released by Angela Merkel's office to mock Trump on Twitter. In the first one, he implores Trump, "Just tell us what Vladimir...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead