Careful What You Wish For, Fool! Biden Moves In For The Kill.


Just cause you got the monkey off of your back doesn’t mean that the circus has left town   George Carlin

Some days it just falls into your lap. I mean it. These days, there are times when I get up in the morning, check the bladder, sit down and turn on the TV, and then just sit back and watch the almost balletic symmetry of the dance that unfolds before me.

This is one of those days. It wasn’t all that long ago, when Trump was busy fumbling his way through fucked up rallies, that he ridiculed Joe Biden’s absence from the trail, just putting out statements from his basement. As I said in the title, be careful what you ask for, fool! These days Trump wishes that Biden would just shut the fuck up!

This morning Joe Biden came out and gave a speech, outlining his plan for the eventual recovery of the American economy from the nightmare that Trump has wrought. He slammed Trump not only for his incompetence, but also for just giving up on the problem. And best yet, he made the clear and compelling case that their own president really doesn’t care how many of then or their children die, just so long as Trump gets reelected. Biden had an actual plan, with steps, and you know, like facts and stuff.

And in about a half hour, His Lowness will step behind the podium in the White House briefing room, and five a press conference on the coronavirus. One of what he plans on being daily briefings from here on out. And all I can do is to sit back, shake my head in wonderment, and say to myself, You know? There really must be something to this Divine Intervention stuff.

In the morning, you have a guy who actually looks and acts like a President walk out and giving a calm, coherent, passionate speech about beating and recovering from the coronavirus, and couple of hours later, out walks some slob in a baggy ass, off the rack suit, to give a press conference on the same damn subject, one of which he is abysmally ignorant. Biden wants to test every day care enter to ensure that parents feel confident in leaving their children to go to work, and Trump wants people to inject fucking Clorox into their veins.

These visual contrasts are killing Trump. Even his own base supporters, when discussing Trump, say that their number one beef with Glorious Bleater is that they wish that he would put down the fucking phone and do the job! And here’s Joe Biden, whom most people under 50 have known their entire lives in politics, looking like he’s already won the election, and can’t wait to get started, and there’s Trump, having Twitter tantrums, and swearing the virus will just disappear! These voters don’t actually have to vote for Biden, if he can just depress then enough to stay home, the effect is the same.

Biden can’t do it much better than this. He doesn’t have to be omnipresent, especially if Trump is going to keep making a fool out of himself a minimum of five days a week. Just pick something Trump is currently fucking up, put together a cogent, intelligent counterpoint, and give the speech. Within a couple of hours, Trump is going to step in front of the microphones, and do Biden’s job for him.

Trump is incapable of turning this around. His own Governors are turning against him, and ordering steps that directly contradict Trump’s plans for reopening the economy. He lives in a self induced delusion, and wouldn’t listen to anyone who tries to correct him. Biden doesn’t need to get into the mosh pit with Trump. The Lincoln Project and Republicans Voters Against Trump are already doing the dirty work. Keep the advertising positive and uplifting, and jeep providing positive plans and visions to Trump’s incoherent positions. We are 105 days from a return to normalcy in this country. Pedal to the metal, and get it done.

o know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Per reporting by Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter (fortified by a large amount of alcohol), the press conference by the Mango Mussolini has gone about as badly or worse than all recent appearances. All Biden has to do is remind people that he exists and his polling numbers will spontaneously improve.

    • Mango Mussolini…i can see the newsreels where the real one strutted around, chest puffed out, acting like a turkey on amphetamines…oh…perfect. sniff

      • Hell, Scott, even the still pictures show a more than uncanny resemblance between the two. What unites is the unearned pride on their faces, that bit of self-deception on how they’re where they are because someone else made it possible. It’s a little-remembered fact that Mussolini’s government had to be propped up by the Nazis from (I believe) 1942 on. One can see the parallels of Trump being propped up (less thoroughly) by Putin.

  2. The liberal plot to make Trump look stupid, also known as “Operation Just Let Him Speak,” is working splendidly.

    All Biden has to do is be himself.

    • Trump is the poster child for the old saying about it being better to be thought of as a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt!

  3. You say, “We are 105 days from a return to normalcy in this country.” That is counting to Election Day. Do you really expect Trump to calm down when the results come back, assuming they don’t drag out for days after the voting has finished? Are you expecting the Republican legislators to turn on Trump at that point? I am worried about what Trump will do in the 2 1/2 months between Election Day and Inauguration Day.

    • Yes to your first question and maybe to your second. Trump HATES this job, always has. He gets beaten on Election Day by a big enough margin, he’ll check himself out of the job from then until January 20. The rest of the Republicans will, by that point, be attempting to rewrite as much history as possible to where they WEREN’T total sycophants to the Not-So-Great Pumpkin. Any continued allegiance to him at that point will be a liability.

      • It is really irritating that some people obsess over a few misspelled words or grammatical errors in these commentaries. If one takes even a minute to look at the misspelled word within the context of the sentence the meaning becomes clear. Don’t we have much more to be concerned about right now than nit picking over a misspelling? Talk about a superiority complex. I don’t usually like to be rude but goodness, is it necessary to have to have word police!?

  4. This will be a campaign for the ages. personal rallies will not be part of the campaign. It will literally be an online/tv/internet campaign. Biden seems to be winning at least at the internet level.

  5. ON TRUMP Presser, he only lasted 22 minutes and was roundly BOOED off the Stage.. per Scott Dworkin @funder. .. THEN @ProjectLincoln put out their first EPISODE of #Trumpfeld… and Share @votevets new TRAITOR TRMP ad too boot.
    MEANWHILE #MaryTrump said: “He’s responsible for his actions. He’s an adult human being who knows the difference between right and wrong. He just doesn’t think it applies to him. But he knows the difference.. SEE @GottaLaff

  6. EVEN BETTER: These (His QAnon KoolAid BASE) voters don’t actually have to vote for Biden, if he can just depress then enough to stay home, the effect is the same.


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