Another masterpiece in the art form of political attack ads, from the Lincoln Project. It’s short and sums it all up. This is the president of division, of racial tension, of religious hypocrisy, and nothing matters to him except his polls. This is our reality TV president in postcard form.

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      • I mentioned one time, to a friend at church, that we elected Archie Bunker as president and he said Archie would be offended.

        • Archie would be offended, and with good reason. And a trivia question for you – who knew that Archie’s creator, Norman Lear, was the founder of People For The American Way? One of my heroes, one of my favorite organizations!

          • Oh, I knew that one, thanks to Harlan Ellison (whose praises I shall never stop singing…rest easy, man).

  1. Possible fun fact I heard via Bill Palmer: the “soldiers” were actually guards pulled from the Bureau Of Prisons. Have yet to confirm this but makes a twisted sense.

        • What you mean is the posers not wearing proper uniforms and refusing to properly identify themselves. Without identification, they are just thugs with no authority, and therefore there is no lawful need to comply with anything they say.

      • Ditto with Bareshark. That is what is being reported by every street reporter on the ground in DC. Think the last one I heard say this was Garrett Haake, who has been asking and asking and asking, with so far no answer from any of them.

  2. “There are more things in Heaven & Earth than dreamt of in your philosophy horatio.” Hamlet maybe he’s getting bad mojo as a result of turning the Lincoln Memorial into an authoritarian photo op. I wouldn’t want Abraham staring down on my fascist behavior. BAD.VERY BAD. IT MAKES ME MAD & SAD.

    • There’s an idea for a satirical piece. The Ghosts of Presidents Past come after Trump in the bunker. Let me think on that for a bit.

  3. The ad says that the officers used to clear Lafayette Park were American active duty military. 1) The Park Police issued a statement defending their action,so it wasn’t the military. 2) Military members receive training on a regular basis to remind them of the duty to disobey an illegal order. An order to assault peaceful citizens is illegal. 3) I have no idea what training the Park Police receive,but it is apparently not as rigorous as military training. 4) Neither is police training as the multiple targeted attacks on the press show.

    • While valid points, Dana, it’s worth remembering that political ops like the Lincoln Project are in perfect agreement with Bill Wyman: never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Consider the people they used to work for and the ads they ran then…does nuance strike you as something they use often?

    • Exactly. Close-ups even showed the uniforms of the Park Police. I live a crow’s flight from DC and we see these folks out and about in the grocery stores and everywhere one would shop after getting off from work–the uniforms are quite recognizable and if they haven’t changed after work, there they are in their work clothes standing in line with us. We also have mounted officers in Montgomery County but I’ve not seen any of our MoCo cops at the protests so far. The Park Police are terrific riders and some of their horses are stabled only a few miles from my house, along with the MoCo horses.


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