The White House lights being turned off is an apt metaphor for the way that Trump is running the government, generally. He simply lacks a clue about what is proper or how a real president would handle the situation. So he relies on instinct, his oft-touted instinct, I might add, with the result that he makes himself look like an even bigger fool. Beyond that, he exposes himself as the small, cowardly person that he is.

Once more Trump displays he didn’t learn many of the lessons that most of us learned in chlldhood, i.e; pretending a problem doesn’t exist, doesn’t make it go away.

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  1. Yep. He is now being seen as the coward he is. Lights out, nobody home. This image of timid trump, will resonate. He always makes the wrong decisions.

    • It also helps to have contrasting images of Joe Biden, out and about and honestly connecting with people human-to-human. If this played correctly–and Biden actually LISTENS to good advice–November may have just been decided this weekend.

  2. Bunker boy. Hahahahahaha! I hope that one sticks.
    Contast Trump’s actions with Joe Biden who came out to meet with protesters and people outside of damaged businesses. As he did, someone could be heard pleading, “save us, please save us.”

  3. Somewhere, I’m hearing Daffy Duck after a blow to the head saying “And the lights go out all over the world…” Trump has just shown he can neither run nor hide.

  4. The degree of naivete’ shown by the juvenile minds submitting these ‘comments’ is glaring. Maybe one day they will grow up….if the animals and thugs don’t get them first.

    • **Smile** Brave words, little boy. But it’s always easier to be brave when you can hide. Now run along…the grownups are talking.

    • I’m so sorry that you’re looking in a mirror and thinking it’s a window.
      Also, that’s a sad, sad screen name you’ve chosen.

    • Originality isn’t exactly high. But you did get an extra point or two for the use of the word “naïveté”. You dont see that level of word usage too often from a Trump supporter. It’s too bad that in the context you use it you look pretty dumb. Just go back to the language you usually use, it will be just as effective.

    • This is a Democratic site. If you don’t share our views, don’t come here. Red State and Breitbart will welcome you with open arms.

  5. I’m waiting for the political cartoons of tRumper hunkered in the bunker at the White House in his MAGA jammies and Kim Jong-un fuzzy slippers, bleary-eyed and sweating with his Twitter finger flying! ?

    • Doesn’t it look like a movie where the vampires or zombies are ruling, something like that. Actually, stop to think about it, the rule of zombies would be a documentary in 2020.

  6. Odd iosn’t it how someone who claimed that he’d run into a schoolroom to confront an armed ‘very fine person'(well a right winger can’t be a terrorist or killer – can he?) nut because some nasty people are protesting outside where he lives, he goes and hides in the cellar after turning the lights out so they can’t see him running

  7. Hiding under the ‘bed’ we get big talk from the big man, a couple hundred protesters outside, OUTSIDE the WH fence, and the tough guy that he is, goes and hides under the bed. PAB


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