The crazies are restless. Now these are bomb “threats” and not actual bombings — so far — and the problem there is that you never know and nobody can afford to be wrong about something like that. The threats are mainly directed at secretaries of state, who are election officials, in the main. So connecting the dots, this could be some MAGA plot to protect the charismatic cult leader, Donald Trump, by intimidating election officials as we move into the presidential year. I’m sure he’ll be tickled pink when he hears this. He simply ate it up with a spoon when the MAGAs were rioting in the Capitol January 6. He watched it on TV for hours. Raw Story:

In Mississippi, the second day of legislation at the Jackson capitol was shut down due to bomb threats, reported Mississippi Today.

“It’s likely nothing, but we are going through our normal protocols,” said Public Safety Commissioner Sean Tindell. Entrances have been closed, staff turned away, streets are being blocked off and explosive-detecting dogs were searching through the building, he said.

The same is unfolding in Kentucky, where the secretary of state’s office was threatened, reported the Lexington Herald-Leader.

Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams’ spokesperson explained that the threat was sent out to multiple secretaries of state across the country as a “mass email,” according to Adams’ spokesperson Michon Lindstrom.

And anybody can send an email. So this may be drivel, but after the violence we had at the Capitol and the deaths and injuries there, who wants to risk it?

Another threat was in Georgia. Gabriel Sterling, the COO for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger revealed that, on arriving to work, their office received a threat which shut it down while it was investigated. Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Greg Bluestein was sent an email about the incident which gave the “all-clear” after a search was conducted.

Montana also reported a bomb threat, Helena Independent Record’s Thom Bridge tweeted. He explained that the Montana Highway Patrol had surrounded the building and staff was “evacuated and taken refuge from the cold in neighboring state buildings.” It’s 31 degrees in Helena.

The Connecticut Capitalist and WFSB similarly reported a bomb threat there.

We live in scary times, but what can you expect when the GOP frontrunner for the presidential nomination is advocating violence all the time? You’ve seen him stand in front of the courthouse in New York City and claim that, “the people aren’t going to stand for ….” fill in the blank with Trump’s outrage du jour. That’s his mob-speak to MAGA, for “go after my enemies.”

Then Trump’s lawyers get going with their anti-government dirge and this gins up the lunatic fringe as well.

It will be interesting to see Trump’s take on this. Will he claim it’s a false flag operation, like in 2018?

The president’s conspiratorial tweet is consistent with a sentiment among many of his top right-wing media allies, who have openly suggested the pipe bombs were a “false flag” attempt to garner sympathy and votes for the Democratic Party ahead of next month’s midterm elections.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for clarification of Trump’s use of scare-quotes around the word “bomb.”

Such conspiracy theories started minutes after reports on Wednesday emerged that authorities intercepted potentially explosive devices mailed to former President Obama, former First Lady Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), and former CIA Director John Brennan (via CNN). On Thursday, authorities intercepted similar devices sent to former Vice President Joe Biden and star actor Robert De Niro.

And on Friday, the bomb count grew larger with Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and former intel chief James Clapper (also via CNN’s address) discovered as targets.

Life isn’t a reality TV show and the people who got killed in 2021 during the Capitol Riot aren’t actors that will get back up off the ground and be appearing in a new show the following week. Trump doesn’t seem to get something that basic. He seriously doesn’t know where reality and fantasy diverge. Moreover, he doesn’t care. That’s the truly tragic takeaway here, the man doesn’t care.

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  1. stochastic terrorism
    [ stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uhm ]

    the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:
    The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.

  2. Drivel? Last time I looked, bomb threats were against the law, felonies I believe. That doesn’t sound like drivel to me. If this is being done by folks thinking it is funny then a trip to the ol’ hoosegow might cure them of their laughter.

  3. The last batch of bomb threats targeting synagogues came from foreign accounts. Of course, that doesn’t mean they came from foreigners, but I never saw the MSM dive into that aspect of the threats. They could have come from a WalMart parking lot using a Russian server.


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