Fate moves in mysterious ways. CO-04 is a reliably safe Republican district, has been for quite some number of years. It was that way when I briefly lived there back in 1978, back in my radio announcing days. Ken Buck has been in that congressional seat since 2014 and he was considered a shoo-in for reelection. But Buck decided it was time to pass the buck and who ended up getting it? None other than our least favorite member of Congress, Lauren Boebert.

The Democrat she’s up against is John Padora. He has an interesting story, as you’ll see from the video I’m about to share. Bottom line, John needs our help to beat Lauren Boebert. I tweeted him and told him we would do whatever we could. So step up to the plate, Zoomers. Give. John Padora is the only thing standing between us and two more years of Boebert. Also, God forbid she gets another two years in which to wreak havoc in Congress, she’ll be eligible for a pension and health insurance at taxpayers’ expense. Screw that. Listen to who John Padora is and open your wallets.

The man has an interesting story and it’s a story with which I am familiar. I’ve known other people in the same circumstances and I’ve known a lot of people in drug rehabilitation and recovery. Generally speaking, they’re fine people, trying to help others.

Here’s the link to John’s Actblue account.

Do whatever you can, folks. As this race develops, we’ll be telling you a lot more about John Padora.

I think he can beat her. I think Boebert’s GOP overlords believe that this is going to be an easier race for her than against Adam Frisch, but I don’t think so. For Ken Buck, yes. Buck was the incumbent for a number of terms.

But this is now an entirely different race. Lauren Boebert and Ken Buck are not interchangeable parts, fungible goods. The GOP made a stupid decision, in my view. What they have done by putting Boebert in the race is to focus a laser beam on CO-04. Everybody is going to be watching this race now. The GOP would have had a much better shot with a new Republican than with Boebert. The broad is radioactive toxic and I think she’s going to lose this seat for them. At least, such is my fervent prayer.

So let’s show them that. I never believe that any race is a shoo-in. I’m certainly not saying that this one is. But we do have the GOP on the run. This last minute pulling of Boebert from CO-03 to CO-04 is an act of desperation.

Roll up your sleeves. Time to clean house, the House, to be specific. That’s means getting rid of Boebert.

The link to Actblue again. Donate.

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  1. I think the same, it resembles a carpetbagger in conservative voters,
    and to think they don’t know
    after all you’ve done is plaster yourself
    as a video weirdo, 🤣 😂😂
    off the record Western Colorado, Las Vegas,,
    write a book 📚 Ursalu

  2. Just a query: Are there any other GOPers who planned on running to replace Buck?

    I just went to Ballotpedia and Boebert’s path to “re-election” (not really sure that’s what it is since she’s voluntarily switching districts) may not be so easy. There are SIX other candidates running for the GOP nomination:Mariel Bailey, Deborah Flora, Richard Holtorf, Trent Leisy, Justin Schreiber and Jerry Sonnenberg.

    From the Ballotpedia pages on the candidates, Holtorf might actually be a real hazard to Boebert’s chances. See, he’s a member of the Colorado Legislature (currently from District 63, previously from District 64–I’m guessing that’s the result of redistricting) and one of his bills that got signed by the Governor is HB1135. Here’s a reading of what that bill concerned: “CONCERNING THE OFFENSE CLASSIFICATION FOR INDECENT EXPOSURE IN VIEW OF A MINOR, AND, IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, MAKING AN APPROPRIATION.” Now, that bill was passed in June of 2023 and a mere 3 months later, Boebert was getting very, um, “handsy” with her date’s “Mr Happy” in a theatre–I’m not sure if any minors actually saw Bobo’s “performance” but Holtorf is bound to exploit Bobo’s theatrical work for everything it’s worth.

    Leisy filled out Ballotpedia’s “Candidate Connection” and he’s definitely a Trumper. (Answering the question “Who do you look up to,” the response is “Trent strongly looks up to President Donald Trump.” He also has a couple of answers that mention the Founding Fathers but I’m guessing his talk is the usual right-wing “When the Founders said/wrote things that we support, then their word should be the last word but when they said/wrote things that we don’t support, then their word is just guidance, nothing to be followed to the letter” blather.)

    Schreiber’s responses to the “Connection” are really out there. He says at one point that he was influenced by Orwell’s “1984” but then he talks about “following the Constitution”; his three “key messages” of his campaign are “Freedom isn’t Free. Tyrants must go! Dismantle the FBI, ATF, and IRS.” (On that last bit, I’d love to know how he feels about Trump’s admission of “dictator for a day” and who does he think will deal with national crimes like kidnapping and sex trafficking and making sure that terrorists aren’t able to procure weapons?)

    And Sonnenberg has a decade and a half of legislative experience in the Colorado House and Senate (8 years in the House and 8 in the Senate). He hasn’t filled out the “Connection” yet but based on his past work in the CO Legislature, he looks like a fairly sane GOPer. His electoral history is pretty impressive, running several campaigns unopposed (in both the primaries and the general election) and, when he did have challengers–during the primaries and in the general election–he had some pretty resounding wins. I’ve never voted for a GOPer (Elizabeth Dole is the ONLY Republican candidate who ever drew any potential interest but, even then, that was about 1 week) but I would seriously be tempted (just on the basis of what I’ve seen at Ballotpedia–for what that’s worth) in voting for him *IF* I were in Colorado and felt that the Democratic candidate was pretty much a foregone conclusion.

    As for Padora, I’m curious as to why he’s getting this attention here. The man (per Ballotpedia) ran for Pennsylvania’s House District 37 in 2020. And now, he’s running for a Congressional seat from Colorado?

    • Trent Leisy is the guy that I thought had the nomination. Then I found out that he was running in a primary with others. Then Bobo comes along. I just became aware of John Padora last night and told him on Twitter that I would help him. I didn’t know he was ever in Pennsylvania. I know him as being from Severance, Colorado. It’s a tiny town. I’ve been there. I lived in Greeley for a brief time when I was a radio announcer back in the 70’s.

      Any Democrat over a Republican is my philosophy, and particularly where Boebert is concerned.

  3. Ike has been running against Buck as the Democrat for years. He’s a good person and known in the district. Forget Pandora and support Ike.
    I was voting in District 4 until redistricting last year.

    • I’ll wait to hear more about Ike. Padora is damaged goods right out of the chute. There a several repubs declared for the primary in the fourth, and there could be more. I’m writing off Boebert. I know nothing about the other two Dems. Not a good sign.

      Perhaps we need to bite our tongues and support a moderate sane Republican if there’s one to be found. 04 is so red.


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