We live in a world where a giant orange eraser came onto the cultural scene and wiped out all the lines of civility. Ours is a coarser, ruder culture than it was in 2015. That is directly attributable to Donald Trump and MAGA. The United States has two factions now, going at each others’ throats and that’s been the case for some time.

Also the case for some time is the situation at the southern border. It’s not an easily solved problem. If it was, it would have been solved long ago. A bill recently passed the Senate but Mike Johnson declared that it was “DOA in the House” mainly because Trump wants it that way. He needs an issue he can carry on about with great histrionics and since the economy is booming and the stock market setting records, poor Donald has to hang onto what theatrical fodder he has left in his political almanac. Here is Trump devotee Lauren Boebert kicking in her two cents.

This is a tragedy and has been for some time now. What compounds the tragedy is the hypocrisy of it all. Migrant workers are defamed as criminals, rapists, etc., but at the same time they have a definite value in the American economy. They pick the crops in the field, they work in the hotels, they even build construction projects for Donald Trump. And he stiffs them.

Make no mistake, if you were to look into who is employed at Mar-a-Lago right now and for quite some time back, you would find undocumented migrants. Nobody knows this better than Trump.

But then Trump was pro-abortion before it was explained unto him that that was not PC for somebody running on the Republican ticket. Trump has no real morals, plans or ideas. He just wants power and he understands the id of America and the id of the Republican party well enough to have cobbled together a character that did well in 2016 — and continues to haunt our airwaves.

Trump is a dangerous, toxic individual. 2024 should be a definitive year for him. It could be the year he’s sentenced to prison. But it will definitely suffice if it’s just the year that he’s finally finished in politics.

Then we’ll see what the GOP does post Trump. It clearly has no idea what that will be, or it would have implemented it already. But if the Republicans keep losing at some point they’re going to have to make some changes. The great orange whale, Moby Don, is only leading them to their doom. How many more tragic episodes do they need before they see that this is the case?

Or, maybe the GOP is operating out of the doctrine of sunken costs, meaning, they’ve sunk so much into him, they figure they can’t stop now. Many a Vegas gambler can tell you the folly of that philosophy. But the plain truth is that a lot of Republicans can’t stand Trump and they wish he would go away. The plain truth is also that they have nobody else. Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are far from being presidential material. They’re both third-string candidates that wouldn’t have even gotten as far as they did on the primary stage in any kind of a normal GOP.

And let’s not even talk about Vivek Ramaswamy and his fantasy world. There is a vacuum of leadership in the Republican party. Initially it was hoped that Trump would be the second coming of Ronald Reagan. But all he turned out to be was a massive disappointment and embarrassment that has caused them to lose three elections in a row right now and be on target to lose a fourth.



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  1. A cabal of demons! By the way, all of whom descended from immigrants! Hypocrisy…the true faith of the guns over people party! Jesus’ response according to the gospels? Get behind me Satan! America needs to leave these nazis in the rear view mirror!

  2. “Then we’ll see what the GOP does post Trump. It clearly has no idea what that will be…”

    No idea from the Party of No Ideas? How quaint.

    Given everything we know about them, since they can’t govern, it means they can’t plan. You’re right about the sunken costs.

    The other thought, while frightening, is that they are planning shenanigans about this election, too. J6 was a dress rehearsal, but don’t expect the same lyrics this time. Same cast new songs. Roger Stone, Mike Flynn and widdle Stevie Miller are still at large.

  3. because when being known as Bobo the Clown, jerking off your date and vaping in a crowded theater aren’t enough-support a bill that literally murders people. This little idiot is such a classic example of the party of “life”, they ought to ditch the elephant use her all decked out in her clown suit–what she wears to jerk off her date and vape in a crowded theater.

    There comes a point when people are too stupid to be allowed in public. Bobo long ago reached that point.


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