Bill Barr stole the spotlight on Sunday when he sat down with journalist Robert Costa and went through an inventory of Donald Trump’s childish ways. You would have thought that Barr was describing a wayward nephew, or the like, and not a former boss. Certainly not a boss that had once occupied the nation’s highest office.

If you didn’t catch the interview, here are some of the juicy comments you missed.

“[Donald Trump] is a consummate narcissist and he constantly engages in reckless conduct that puts his political followers at risk and the conservative and Republican agenda at risk.

“He will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country’s interests….

“He’s like a 9-year-old — a defiant 9-year-old kid who’s always pushing the glass toward the edge of the table, defying his parents to stop him from doing it. It’s a means of self-assertion and exerting his dominance over other people.

“And he’s a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country’s, “his personal gratification of his ego.”

“But our country can’t be a therapy session for a troubled man like this.”

Today, the New York Sun published a follow up and Barr is now predicting that a January 6 indictment from Jack Smith’s office is imminent.

America’s former top law enforcement official mused that charges for January 6 “will be a hard case to make” but that he nevertheless “expects” Mr. Smith will “pull the trigger” on an indictment this summer.

Another alumnus of the Trump Administration, one-time chief of staff General John Kelly, recently opined that Mr. Trump is likely “scared shi*****” by Mr. Smith’s indictment, which levels charges that could result in decades in prison.

Mr. Trump fired back on Truth Social that “John Kelly pretended to be a ‘tough guy,’ but was actually weak and ineffective, born with a VERY small ‘brain.’” He added that General Kelly was a “‘mummy’ who sat in his office and stared at the ceiling.”

General Barr’s prediction of an indictment related to January 6 — Mr. Smith’s second purview is to investigate “whether any person or entity unlawfully interfered with”  the “transfer of power following the 2020 presidential election or the certification of the Electoral College vote” — suggests that Palm Beach could be the beginning, but not the end, of Mr. Trump’s federal legal travails.

The prediction of charges from General Barr carries added weight due his comments to the Associated Press in the days after the 2020 election that “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” Mr. Barr would later tell NBC News that “I told him that all this stuff was bulls*** about election fraud.” Mr. Trump fired him before January 6.

No, I don’t know why this journalist is calling Barr “General Barr” unless he’s got him confused with General Kelly on some level.

Don’t forget, Newt Gingrich, Steve Bannon and Mike Pence have testified before Smith’s grand jury. You’re going to have to go long and far to find a more interesting trio of witnesses than those three.

Barr is obviously fed up with Trump and has washed his hands of him. That much is clear. (Although, who knows, he probably will vote for Trump if he wins the nomination, as he has said he would do in the past.) Barr’s instincts are very probably right and another indictment from Jack Smith would certainly heat up Trump’s summer. No question about that.

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  1. Barr is right of course. But you might have just mentioned what a total hypocrite he is, because he didn’t just figure this out. He knew it all along, just as well as I did. But he pandered to him to get the prize post of AG, gave his all for the guy, covered his butt to prevent the truth from getting out, made him the poster boy for the theory of the unitary executive (read: president as king) and in every way helped inflict the stupid bastard on this country. The damage has been tremendous. And now I’m supposed to respect Bill Barr for his brilliant insight into Trump. Bill Barr can go screw himself.

  2. I think the good ‘General’ has it right, but the indictment will come in the fall, unless Fani Willis’ case is delayed for some reason. There’s so much overlap that Smith may see an advantage by waiting for the Georgia case to move forward. Whoever goes first, Smith and Willis are going to give us a new meaning for MAGA: Making Assholes Go Away.

  3. Of course Barr knew it all along. Just like the other sycophants who didnt care one iota about our country. They were just waiting for their book deals. in the meantime our democracy was nearly destroyed. Cowards.

  4. In the annals of history, never have so many done so much to allow for one man to do so much damage to not only himself, but to his family, his companies and anyone associated with it, his political party, his country, its allies, and the rest of the world.

    I hope he’s still alive when he’s cremated. Feet first. On Pay per View. $79.95.

  5. I just LOVE the Liberal point of veiw….I myself am not a Liberal I tend to be more on the conservative side of things…but not too far from center. I’m not fond of a redo of a Biden/Trump race.


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