Biden’s “Victory Lap” Can Provide A Perfect Cover


This is a thing of beauty to watch. As President Biden once told a President that he served, This is a big fucking deal, and Biden is treating it that way. He has a plan in place to maximize the benefits of this political capital, and to use it to dovetail into his next big ticket item on his agenda.

Biden has a luxury that Obama did not have back in 2009. In 2009, the GOP got the jump on messaging during negotiations, labeling things in a negative manner that kept it from being as popular as it should have been. Biden started touting this plan before he was even President, controlling the messaging, and neither Trump nor the GOP responded effectively. And as a result, the new law has a 70% popularity.

Let’s be honest, even good things take time. While the first of the $1400 stimulus checks will be direct deposited this weekend, it will take time for the majority of them to get out and received. And I figure a minimum of 4-8 weeks before a lot of the families who qualify start receiving their Child Tax Credit deposits. Biden doesn’t want the GOP to use this dead time to trash the new law, so he’s going on the offensive.

Over the next couple of weeks, President Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, Vice President Harris and Doug, and Cabinet officials dealing with the stimulus are Taking the word to the street. They will be fanning across the country, giving live and televised town halls and speeches, putting in plain language just what the law does, and what people can expect. And keep the GOP ogre’s sitting in their caves, gnawing on old chastity belts.

And in a month or so, when most people are starting to feel the love from the payments, Biden will roll out his huge infrastructure plan, highlighting all of the ways that the trillions being spent will end up back in local communities and states, infusing fresh cash into local and state economies. And compare it with what people are already seeing and feeling at home. Fight that, GOP.

Which means that there’s basically a dead month coming, one in which the major news story is the Biden traveling revival show, and the new getting cranked up. A month is more than enough time, and Chuck Schumer and the Democrat’s can’t let it go to waste, especially when the spotlight won’t be on them.

Because every time congress introduces a bill, it looks like the Encyclopedia Britannica boxed set, it is assumed that legislation is complex. Bullshit. Here’s a perfect example. Let’s say that congress needs to raise the debt ceiling, in order to keep Senators from standing on street corners with pails and window rags. Somebody sits down at a typewriter, and pumps out The United States congress hereby authorizes raising the national debt limit to 18.6 trillion dollars. The House and Senate pass it, and the President signs it. It really is that simple.

Filibuster reform can be just that simple, easier because it’s a Senate rule, and doesn’t require House buy in. All a Senate Democratic Senate staff member has to do is to sit down and type in, The use of the filibuster rule shall not be eligible for use in bills where the majority content deals with voting, and or civil rights. That’s it. HR 1, the We The People Act is on the floor of the Senate, already passed by the House, and the GOP can’t bury it.

Tick-Tock Senator Schumer. You have a month now without the spotlight constantly on you, use it wisely. Get your caucus into a room, order out Chinese, and get this hammered out! The momentum will never be stronger behind your back than it is right now. Crack whatever whips you have to crack. Make whatever deals you need to cut, but make like Larry the Cable Guy, and Git-R-Done!

Pass the bill, and you’ll bring the vast majority of new restrictive voting suppression laws being crafted in GOP controlled swing states crashing down around their ears. Pass the bill, and you make good on a long standing Democratic promise to the African American base, and ensure a world class turn out in 2022. And you build good will with that community by showing you actually follow through on your word once in a while.

Just pass the damn bill!

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. That’s what I’m talking about. Democrats keep sitting on their hands like they are waiting for the republicans to vex their agenda. It’s time for them to put on their big boy and girl pants and get out there and lead the charge. The reason that most people like republicans is because they try to crush the opposition. Do the long pass and spike the dam ball in the end zone and go to the next play. Republicans already have egg on their face. They just haven’t turned around to face the crowd yet.

    • Not anymore Chris…As I put in an earlier article, Biden had a front row seat for McConnell’s obsgtruction for the financial relief bill, as well as the Merrick Garland debacle…He called the GOP in and listened,, and when they gave him lame shit, he called Pelosi and Schumer and told them to pull the trigger…Lucy pulled the football away once too often…

  2. Yet the big media story, other than “Why doesn’t Biden give Trump more credit for thrvaccine rollout?” (Because he doesn’t deserve any?) is “The next problem for Democrats is selling the stimulus.” Not a problem, media. Just shut up.

  3. The infrastructure bill should accomplish many things. Besides rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, etc, it will put a lot of people to work. Overall, that should help the economy, besides benefiting families.

  4. I wonder if Biden would push something in front of infrastructure, or if he wants to use his next free reconciliation pass first before messing with anything that would require filibuster reform. I’m not saying I have any idea what order everything should come down the pipe in. I just wonder what their strategy outlines look like.

    I have a feeling they (Biden’s team and Congressional Dems) see voting rights as an existential crisis. That has to be what’s got every centrist and moderate going on air to discuss filibuster reform. I mean seriously…Joe Manchin sounded a bit like Elizabeth Warren last week. I wish Jon Stewart was on air to do one of his spit take routines, lol.

    (And yes, I realize Manchin and Warren don’t sound EXACTLY the same on the filibuster, it was just poetic license.)


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