This might be fun from a very perverse point of view. I say perverse because in a mature, real democracy, the beginning of a new congressional term should be focused on ideas, what legislation the GOP may put up for a vote, and whether it’s attractive enough for Democrats to get behind. The fact that this sounds like either a utopia or a cruel joke is evidence as to just how far the U.S. has fallen as a mature democracy.

The Speaker of the House is a more powerful position than many people know. Only the speaker can introduce legislation for a vote. Thus, in terms of the House, it can almost be reduced to a one-person branch, depending on whether that person has the number of votes needed or not. A great bill can be proposed, with enough support in both parties to pass, but if the Speaker doesn’t introduce it, tough luck.

So it’s worth fighting for. The problem for the Republicans is they’re fighting with pop guns or nuclear missiles, depending on how it goes. A group of five (probably backed by a few silent others) has committed to being “Never Kevins,” and they are now opposed to “Only Kevins.” Given that there is one indivisible Kevin McCarthy, that would seem to be an impasse. From Roll Call:

A small faction of “never Kevin” Republicans is threatening to ensure McCarthy is denied the 218 votes needed to win the speaker’s election. But a larger group of Republicans who have pledged to vote for “only Kevin” are making clear they won’t support any other returning members of Congress for the role.

The two positions are seemingly irreconcilable, and members on both sides of the intra-party standoff predict the speaker’s election will require multiple ballots for the first time since 1923.

McCarthy and his allies are still trying to negotiate a truce that will allow him to get the votes he needs on the first ballot. At 4 p.m. today, McCarthy will host a call with the House GOP Conference to try to iron out a deal to get the gavel.

McCarthy will almost surely win. McConnell probably prefers McCarthy, Trump definitely prefers McCarthy, and the group opposed to McCarthy is composed of the mutant MAGAs when it comes to the GOP.

But man, the fights are going to just be scrumptious, with both sides actually characterizing the other side truthfully for once! “You bunch of lying, backstabbing, stupid basta…

Coming soon to a theatre near you, Rated R.

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  1. I think this is going to look like a candy shop with a taffy pulling machine in the front window. Stretch and pull. Stretch and pull. Repeat.


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