Avenatti’s Cryptic Tweet Hints that Kavanaugh May Face Surprises: Other Women


Avenatti, the lawyer that I keep going back and forth upon, admiring his effectiveness, disliking his media centered approach, has provided the nation an invaluable service on the whole. He may be on to something important again. One thing is for sure, he has broken enough stuff that even when he hints at something, it behooves one to take it seriously.

Thus it was that “The People’s Lawyer” Avenatti opened up Saturday night with this teaser:

Hmmm. Now, any sensible person would note that there isn’t a shred of evidence cited in the tweet, and therefore worth almost nothing. Almost nothing, except for the fact that this guy has a fantastic habit of proving himself right over time. He wasn’t done.

This one ought to send shivers down Team Kavanaugh’s spine.

You remember high school days, as I sure do. I was a big wussy, I was terrified to make the first move, often dated girls who I knew might well make that move for me. Even then I knew the dicey dynamic, and though “Date Rape” hadn’t really become a “thing” in the early 90s, assaulting a girl sure had. I knew “no” means “no” and respected it. Were I up for a judicial position, there’d be a million skeletons in my closet, not one would be mistreatment of women.

But back to remembering high school, the “boys” that did get very aggressive with girls, the athletes and self-appointed sex objects surely did try to “bag” as many girls as they could, especially when drinking, and the stories would leak out.

My point being, the type of young men (17 year olds know rape is wrong) the type that would commit an act so heinous that Dr. Floyd reported to a therapist 6 years ago, and then passed a lie detector test, giving her tremendous credibility, that kind of young man generally doesn’t usually limit himself to one isolated event. No, this was likely a pattern. Now think back to your high school days, how tough would it be to pick out the likely “Kavanaugh’s in your crowd?”

It is possible that Avanatti is just trolling Trump and Kavanaugh, and it is entirely possible that Kavanaugh knows of others who might come forward. After all, if you’re a woman who’s been through something like that, who better to defend your rights than the man who could bring down the presidency on a one night stand with a magazine spanking, a not freakishly small member, and one position sex.? (BTW, Don, nice manly performance, all about you and not interested in shared talents.)

I have no trouble believing that similarly assaulted women might well seek out either Ford’s attorneys – who might see it as a conflict – or seek  out Avenatti, who has real talent for protecting his client while also driving wood chips below the President’s fingernails.

We’ll see. I put it at 50-50


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