Authority Doesn’t Emanate From A Building


In my younger footloose days, I actually visited the White House. I don’t mean I went inside, the Secret Service wouldn’t let my scruffy Mick ass within 30′ of the guard shack. I mean I walked around it, just to eyeball the ultimate in subsidized housing, which I was helping to pay for. Nice digs. I must admit that as I gazed across the lush lawn, I did wonder that if I did a Forrest Gump, would George H W Bush be able to see my scrawny ass from all the way over there? Probably not.

The Peoples House is a magnificent structure, and the seat of all power. From behind the resolute desk in the Oval Office, the most powerful man in the free world makes decisions. In one aspect that is completely true, but in another aspect, it’s nothing but romanticized bullshit.

If say, a President Biden needs to jet off somewhere, Vice President Harris doesn’t sit down and start answering the phone. Whatever he needs to do, the President does if on the most magnificent high tech video and telecommunications equipment you never saw, and paid too much for to boot. If Biden has to stop in to see German Chancellor Merkel, to apologize personally for trump having been such a douche all this time, he does his work from a desk in the 5 star hotel he’s staying at, or the embassy.

The power of the Presidency doesn’t emanate from the stone structure of the White House, it emanates from the United States Constitution. That’s why this whole thing about Trump refusing to leave the White House is such a joke. The White House has nothing to do with the inauguration, the President takes the oath of office from the balcony of the Speaker of the House’s office in the Capitol building. The Secret Service, civil service employees all swear an oath to the constitution, not the president, even Trump. If Biden wins the election, and is sworn in, at 12:01 on January 20th, 2021, Donald Trump becomes nothing more than a bad tempered squatter.

If Biden needs a temporary crib, he can just send Vice President Harris and the Second Gentlemen to the Hyatt down the road for a couple of days, and go to the Naval Observatory. Better yet, he can hop on Marine One, and bunk at Camp David until the Trump family is fumigated out of the white House, and the broken crockery replaced.

I can’t for the life of me believe the kind of legs this nonsense has gotten. And yes, I know what people are really worried about, and that’s Trump calling the military into the street if he loses. And I’ll have something to say about that in my next article.

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    • I think he should be like the pool liner that came with our house: piled in a heap behind the garage, while the pool grew weeds. (It had redwood box sides and a sand bottom: the liner was what kept the water in.)

    • Speaking of “baby balloons” wouldn’t it be really funny (assuming on Nov. 4 it’s clear Trump has gotten his ass kicked) to have one of the Trump Baby Balloons set up across from the WH? And in addition to it being filled with helium (to the point of bursting) also have lots of chocolate flavored Reddi Whip (from the can) pumped into it? And then pop the thing in the back of the diaper with the TV cameras rolling? To make it extra special a boom box can be set up with a long, ripping and wet-shart sound!

        • I’m no ShowerCap but over my lifetime I’ve never lost my willingness to indulge in (and yes, enjoy) sophomoric humor. I do try to keep the really twisted stuff off of blogs though. Not always successfully I might add. But I don’t want to get kicked off a couple of sites (this being one of them) I like to take part in so I modulate it a LOT more than all but those who know me best realize.

  1. It is sad, but Covid19, a virus has more morals and smarts than Trump and the Republicans.

    As to the White House, think how gross it could be to live there after Trump and his bunch. Even a $600 dollar a month apartment doesn’t burden you with knowledge of the prior tenants. If they were gross, disgusting people you wouldn’t know.

  2. The military? He’s shit on gold star families while having daddy pay to get him out of vietnam. He’s shit on John mccain, a true military hero. He’s diverted needed money for military families to build a phantom unnecessary wall to racism. He’s duped a general into a fascist march while trump assaulted legal protests. He’s abandoned our allies, the kurds, to a genocide. He’s told our enemies top secret information. He’s a traitor. He couldn’t visit the sacred marine gravesite from WWI. I won’t bother with the next ten outrages. I wouldn’t worry about the military propping up this vermin.


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