Cokehead Jr. had been whining the past couple of days about how downtrodden he is, and how the mean old Australian Government pulled the plug on his Turning Point sponsored speaking tour there by denying him a visa.

As if.

The Australian Government is not in the business of denying visas to most anyone who wants to speak in their country… even the whinging, snot-nose issue of a disgraced and many times indicted former President of the United States.

So, what gives, really?

Raw Story has the skinny:

“Australian Home Minister Clare O’Neil launched a broadside at Donald Trump Jr. for complaining about his canceled speaking tour in her country and then claiming he was banned.

According to a report from Reuters, O’Neil needled the son of twice-impeached Donald Trump for complaining about his speaking tour problems by taking to Twitter and bluntly calling him a “a big baby,” before later deleting that tweet and another.

At issue is Trump Jr’s blaming the cancellation of his Turning Point-sponsored 3-day engagement which led him to write on Facebook, “It seems America isn’t the only country that makes it difficult for the Trumps.”

That led to O’Neil firing back and stating that a visa had been approved and then claiming the real reason was disastrous ticket sales for his appearances.“

Like the story says, Home Minister O’Neil apparently thought better of calling the big baby a big baby on social media and quickly deleted the tweet.

But Twitter user Monte Bovill was just as quick in capturing the tweet and saving it for posterity:

Which engendered some amusing replies –



💯 💯 💯


I suppose the Home Minister concluded that posting the tweet at all would garner enough attention, and, indeed, the news coverage of it is quite extensive.

So… no need to leave that particular shrimp on the barbie.

Well done Home Minister, if nothing else your actions may just shut the cry baby’s yowling mouth.

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  1. Pity one has to go so far abroad to find good sense. Used to be one only had to go to Europe but now that cons have infested those countries…

  2. Wherever baby trump goes, I hope the sniffer dogs are there to greet him. Could he be induced to go on a big-game expedition to China to bag some pandas? He’s stupid enough and possession is a capital offense.

  3. “Shrimp on the barbie” seems apt. Cause she skewered and roasted Don Jr.! (Not that anyone would want shrimp that had been dry-rubbed with cocaine instead of spices)

  4. Beaten to the blow… I mean punch! Guess (allegedly… borrowing the RW true holley wurds!) da boy couldn’t use diplomat pouches to sneak in that “baby powder” and secret service to “protect “ said product…er I mean medicinal…

  5. The talking beard…or, as he is known in some circles…the snowblower… not popular??? Oh the inhumanity!!! The koalas are sleeping more soundly tonight, since one of their own won’t be tied to a tree and shot with a 30-30 by the big game hunter ‘high on Jesus’s stash’. Hallelujah mate!!!

  6. He probably found out that he had to go back to the White House for that cocaine he mislaid. You can’t be in two places at once, the coke would have priority.


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