Maybe this is all an outworking of that prophecy from many years back, “In the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes.” Maybe a lot of people are simply desperate to claim the limelight no matter what that means. Or, has self respect and common sense simply vanished in this culture? Maybe all of the above?

This is as good as an SNL skit.

How much you want to bet that there will be a lot of forks and spoons Halloween costumes?

Now this is a 1:24 clip (top clip, you’ve probably seen the bottom) and it’s well worth the time.

I don’t know about spoons and forks, but I would like it if money would stick to me. Maybe I could go walk near slot machines in the Vegas casinos and a stream of quarters could chase me wherever I went and I could just keep scooping them up and putting them in a pillow case and then running out the door. Now that has appeal.

Alright, time to take a vote. What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard today?

  1. An actual licensed doctor (the woman in the Tennessee Holler clip above) says that coronavirus vaccine magnetizes people?
  2. A United States congressman wants the Forest Service to change the orbit of the moon to prevent climate change?
  3. Another United States congressman wants to know why people at the insurrection aren’t broken into two groups, those who broke windows and those who “just walked in when the Capitol police let them in?”
  4. Something else batshit has happened to top all this. See my comment below.

And remember, as you marvel, the magic number, 74,233,369. That’s how many people voted for Trump.



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  1. 1. An actual licensed doctor (the woman in the Tennessee Holler clip above) says that coronavirus vaccine magnetizes people?
    Board of her licensed peers – Revoke license. A mental health check may be a good idea.

    2. A United States congressman wants the Forest Service to change the orbit of the moon to prevent climate change?
    Educate the fool at his expense – If he still insists on changing orbit, ask him to step down – incompetence and ignorance to a degree incompatible with the office.

    3. Another United States congressman wants to know why people at the insurrection aren’t broken into two groups, those who broke windows and those who “just walked in when the Capitol police let them in?”
    Educate the fool on the law – Have him pay for it. If he refuses have him resign.

    • There’s this thing in the Constitution known as the First Amendment.
      And for Congress, there’s the Speech and Debate clause.

      • And sometimes what people say has consequences, even legal penalties. Knowingly disseminating lies and disinformation needs to have penalties too.

  2. Gohmert’s idiocy about the U.S. Forest Service changing the orbit of the moon to prevent climate change is mind-boggling. He’s in good company, though (if “good” is the correct word, ha, ha!).

    After seeing Gohmert, my first thought was about the moron congressman who thought the island of Guam might tip over if…

    Remember this?

  3. I really wish that first clip had included someone “explaining” to her that the “magnetism” is very easy to explain IF she were willing to subject herself to INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED testing. You know, letting someone else take one of their keys and seeing if it sticks to her. And, of course, if I’d been there, I would’ve asked her if *I* could check those items she so conveniently brought with her. You know, just to make sure there wasn’t something sticky that had been applied to the objects.

    Of course, I have the feeling that she wouldn’t want any independent verification of her claims. Her ilk tends to share a trait in common with cockroaches: An aversion to light (whether literal, for roaches, or proverbial, for people).

    • She really didn’t plan this well. Her bobby pin refused to stick. Maybe the glue on a smaller surface area coupled with the much smaller amount of glue may have dried by time she was ready for her demonstration.

    • My guess is that being an RN she might have reached somewhere in her brain for stuff she was taught about experimenting. Knowing she’d be on camera, she sought a substance that would when applied to her key and that bobby pin provide enough tackiness to stick, even when moved from chest to neck but not leave any residue that might show up as a “sheen” to the camera. In the comfort of her home, air-conditioned to her preference it probably worked and she thought she’d be ready for her little amateur “magic” show. Alas, sitting in a crowded hearing room, and then under the bright lights required for TV cameras she sweated just enough that her devious little stunt failed. There was just enough sweat on her skin that the sticky substance didn’t work. I suspect the only reason the items remained on her chest was the slight angle helped hold them in place. If, just prior to moving them to her neck she’d moved forward to speak more closely into her mic they’d have probably fallen off on the table!

      She tried to pull off a cheap stunt and it failed. Not the kind of nurse I’d want looking after my medical care.

  4. 2. Apparently Gohmert has no idea how even a slight change in either the orbit of the moon or earth could have disastrous effects. I knew that when my birthdays were single digits for Pete’s sake. The rest are pretty dumb too.

  5. The earth is flat. The sun revolves around the earth. The moon landing was staged in LA, no one can land on cheese. Bigfoot took my trashcan the other night, but before he could run, he was caught in a beam of light, & lifted to a spaceship. The dinosaur bones were planted by godless scientists to grift grant money. I talked to Jesus in the shower the other night & he told me not to worry about trump. He’s pulled some strings & a big party is planned in Hell for about 74million new citizens of darkness. Big Macs & cold Kentucky fried chicken is their final meal. Glad to share my reality with all true believers.

  6. In a way it’s a pity. I do some jewelry making and I am very good at dropping small metal items such as findinggs (and they in turn are very good at disappearingon my carptet – not even “into” it, just on it.)

    But I’ll just vote for #6 – all of the above.


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