I swear to God, you can’t make this shit up. Last month, a member of the Arizona House, Debbie Lesko, took to the floor in the middle of a gun debate, and made a speech that amazed even her colleagues:

I have five grandchildren,” the congresswoman began in last month’s speech. “I would do anything—anything—to protect my five grandchildren. Including, as a last resort, shooting them, if I had to, to protect the lives of my grandchildren.”

This is clearly the rantings of a deranged woman. The question begs to ask itself, If your grandchildren were threatened, and you had a firearm, why wouldn’t you kill the threat, rather than your grandchildren? The entire premise is nonsensical. She went on to complain that;

The Democrats of trying to “take away my right to protect my grandchildren” and “the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect their own children.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the GOP Trumptopia of 2022. A world in which GOP grandmothers vow to retain their right to shoot their own grandchildren, rather than to shoot the threat, and then in the next sentence, try to blame the Democrats for trying to stop them from being able to be able to shoot their own grandchildren in order to protect them. I swear to God, you can’t make this shit up! 


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  1. “Honest, officer. Granny was comin’ at us with a shotgun so I *had* to pull out my AK-47 and blast her to bits to save myself and my brothers and sisters. I had no idea her gun wasn’t loaded at the time but she was rantin’ that she was gonna shoot us all so we wouldn’t have to live under Democratic rule. We all knew Granny was batshit crazy but no one could get anyone to put her in the nuthouse, all ’cause she’s a member of the House of Representatives.”

  2. Here’s to hoping for the kids’ sake A) the parents were also watching and B) the parents have less screws loose than granny. This insane asylum inmate wannabe needs to be taken off the streets NOW.

    Hey granny–when the holidays roll around don’t be surprised by the lack of invites. Your kids might actually want to keep their kids around for a bit longer.

  3. Speaking from extremely bitter experience, this is the kind of person whose grandchildren you save from. What, are you planning on pulling a Hansel And Gretel Gingerbread House Witch Routine AFTER you shoot them? Mind you, that WOULD explain what she means by “saving” at that point, but still..

  4. You idiots listen to it again. She absolutely did not suggest shooting her owngrandchildren. She referred to shooting the Intruder/aggressor. The Republicans are unethical but unfortunately the Democrat media often perpetuates lies and that’s a huge problem for the Democrats. By the way I’ve always considered myself a Democrat and I think it’s a shame the Republican Party doesn’t deserve respect anymore because they’re unethical but the left has to quit doing stupid things too

    • When your speech is so f’ing disorganized that people can’t tell who you’re talking about shooting – you should have kept your mouth closed.

    • Gee, that’s funny Mike, since quote was a copy/paste from the Politico TRANSCRIPT, and not me listening to it…

    • You can, of course, make an attempt to paint that yahoo woman as something other than a loony but you’re just going to look as moronic as she does. Granted, we don’t yet think you need to be carted off to the asylum…yet.

    • I listened to her speech myself. She said what she said. Believe her when she says what she says. It’s bad even as a Freudian slip. And worse if it’s a sign of dementia. What she said can’t be fixed.

    • I do not, for one second, believe that you have ever “considered” yourself a Democrat when you deliberately wrote “Democrat media.” THAT is the sign of being a right-wing sheep.

      “Democrat” is perfectly acceptable as a PROPER NOUN. “Democratic” is ONLY properly used as an ADJECTIVE.


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