(Above: Sir Kim Darroch, reaching the right conclusions.)

Kim Darroch, the former Ambassador from Great Britain to the United States, who was forced to resign his post last week after memos leaked that recounted him calling the Mango Misogynist  “inept and insecure”, which only burnished his credentials in many eyes, has struck back at drumpf from his political grave, as new memos surface in which he gives his opinion of the Tangerine Turd-bucket’s mangling of what is commonly called “the Iran Deal”.


“Donald Trump abandoned the Iran nuclear deal to spite Barack Obama, according to a leaked memo written by the UK’s former ambassador in the US.

Sir Kim Darroch described the move as an act of “diplomatic vandalism”, according to the Mail on Sunday.

The paper says the memo was written after the then Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson appealed to the US in 2018 to stick with the nuclear deal.

The latest leak came despite the Met Police warning against publication.”

Yes, Scotland Yard is jolly well concerned about the leaks, which facilitate British functionaries being outed for reaching the perfectly sane and correct appraisal that drumpf is an idiot.

The Daily Mail, which published the Memo, other newspapers and various MPs have clapped back at the police, contending it is in the public interest for the proles to know what an idiot their leaders think the Over-baked Ogre is:

A spokesman said: “What could be more in the public interest than a better understanding of how this position was reached, which may have serious consequences for world peace?”

  Not to mention, it is highly entertaining.

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  1. The (un)funny thing is…if this is how the British speak about him, just imagine what the Russian, Iranian or North Korean intercepts say.


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