I guess that the world has just gone mad. Or, maybe I went insane back in Spring of 2016, when I saw that Donald Trump was poised to get the GOP nomination, and this is just one big hallucination, while I’m actually in five point restraint somewhere. I know that i felt like I was going insane at the time. And things have gotten steadily worse, not only in America, but now in the United Kingdom, where that other straw haired clown, with the “roadkill chic” haircut, Boris Johnson, just got elected Prime Minister. I confess to being totally appalled. He’s a virtual clone of the idiot we’ve got in many ways. Johnson is more educated and he was Mayor of London. But he’s got the same shock jock approach to politics as his U.S. counterpart and he’s an inveterate liar as well. Bess Levin, Vanity Fair:

When Donald Trump was elected president in November 2016, it appeared as though Western democracy had hit rock bottom. In retrospect, that was the high point of the past two-and-a-half years, which have largely been comprised of tumbling from one new rock to next, tearing society a new asshole with each and every descent. Which brings us to Tuesday, when the Conservative Party chose Boris Johnson to succeed Theresa May as Britain’s next prime minister.

Like an early-aughts Olsen twins movie in which two sisters are separated at birth and years later come to find they’re living parallel lives in different parts of the country, Johnson has been described as the British Trump: both are pathological liars and flagrant racists who’ve had at least five children that they know of with multiple women. Their tabloid scandals are legion and both of their “hair” “styles” could be best described as roadkill-chic. Johnson may not be as aggressively anti-intellectual as Trump, having received some finishing school polish at Eton and Oxford, but he is similarly opportunistic, having arrived late in life to right-wing populism as a path to political power. They represent the low point of evolution, and their impact on the world can best be described as lancing a boil and then having the contents spray back in your face. 

For those who buried the 2016 European Union referendum in the deepest recesses of their brain, Johnson was one of the chief cheerleaders of Brexit, which he promoted with a number of lies, the biggest one being that Britain was paying the E.U. “£350 million a week.” (The real number was about half that, but that didn’t stop him from slapping the falsehood on the side of a bus; when confronted in 2018, he said £350 million was an underestimate.) Of course, BoJo was peddling all manner of bullshit regarding membership in the E.U. long before the referendum; back when he was working for the Telegraph’s Brussels bureau, he wrote stories claiming that, among other things, the European Commission had banned Italian condoms because they were “not precisely 16 centimeters long,” and that “sniffers” had been recruited to “ensure that Euro-manure [all] smells the same.”

This guy is nuts. It’s no wonder that the handle “Britain Trump” has been bestowed on “BoJo.” We need to bojo both of these clowns, in the way that that word is commonly understood by people in this community. Like Trump, he claims that he’s the only guy who can get it done and like Trump, he’s got no plan, he’s just grandstanding. Amy Davidson Sorkin, New Yorker

In 2016, Johnson contributed various falsehoods to the Brexit campaign—his phantasmagoric relationship with the truth may be the main point he has in common with Trump, although recklessness, eager exploitation of populist discontent, and breezy bigotry are also in the mix. Unlike Trump, Johnson has had a long career in politics—as mayor of London and as Foreign Secretary. But he did not, during either the referendum or the leadership campaign, present any coherent idea of how Brexit might be executed, unless you count driving the British economy off a cliff and pushing the Good Friday Agreement, which has secured peace in Northern Ireland, over with it. (This is, in fact, Johnson’s plan, known as a no-deal Brexit, and he’s made it clear that anyone who won’t sign on to it can’t be in his Cabinet.) Otherwise, his guiding principle, with regard to Brexit, seems to have been whatever would help him to achieve his ambition of becoming Prime Minister.

Johnson, in his victory speech on Tuesday, treated concerns about his aptitude for the job as little more than fodder for humor. “I know that there will be people around the place who will question the wisdom of your decision,” he told Party members. “And there may even be some people here who still wonder quite what they have done.” Here, there, and everywhere but the White House. President Trump, tweeting his congratulations, said, “He will be great!”

Johnson continued by saying that his program was to deliver Brexit, unite the country, and defeat Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party. He then launched into a riff about how “some wag” had pointed out that the acronym for “Deliver, Unite, and Defeat” was not ideal for a campaign, “since, unfortunately, it spells dud.’ But they forgot the final ‘E,’ my friends—‘E’ for Energize! And I say to all the doubters: dude! We are going to energize the country! We are going to get Brexit done!” But a dude can also be a dud.

Truth be known? I don’t know who’s in a greater world of hurt, us or our British cousins. Right now I’d say it’s even money. Maybe both economies are going to go off a cliff, and all our cherished freedoms as well, like lemmings. Don’t forget that both the Brexit referendum and the Trump campaign were assisted in no small measure by Cambridge Analytica’s psychometric bots, the digital children of Robert Mercer. Make no mistake, Mercer helped put the Brits where they are, and Mercer and the Russians brought the United States to the pass where we find ourselves, where Robert Mueller says that the Russians are interfering in our elections, “as we sit here,” and he believes that to be the new normal.  So far it’s been the week from Hell and it’s only Wednesday.

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  1. The MPs have had 2 1/2 years of watching Trump destroy our country and it’s reputation, you’d think having seen our mess they would have learned the lesson and not appointed his Mini Me to be PM.

    Now Putin has the US and UK in his back pocket….next stop, France.

    • It may be as you say. My God, I can’t believe that I’m actually alive at this point in history and watching this go down. This is beyond anything I could have ever imagined a few short years ago. The Obama years lulled me into a liberal stupor. I think everything was just fine. It was not, or we would not have these creatures crawling out from under rocks and into high offices.

    • Nope…sorry, Blue, but that’s a total misread of the situation in the UK. The fact of the matter is that they have NO viable political leadership on either end of the political spectrum over there. Whatever his ties to Putin, Johnson’s just the latest fool in a string of them to pursue the impossible dream of a Britain not undone by its own mistakes. Not only will he bungle it but anyone else of any prominence was all but guaranteed to do the same.

      And Putin may have problems in his own backyard that preclude any moves against France (which have already been tried, BTW) if that hack of the FSB database is any indication. Someone made off with 7.5 teraflops of data, some of which was published vis-a-vis Moscow’s plans to isolate their home country’s Internet. But that much data has got to have a lot more than that with it. I suspect that it was a US intelligence op using the declared hacker group as a deniable asset or cutout.

  2. Unless I’m mistaken Putin had a hand in elevating Johnson to a position of prominence/leadership in his Party a while back. But conservatives in modern Britain are just as bad as the ones over here. They don’t care how (including help from a hostile foreign power) they get & hold on to power or the consequences for their country.

    What’s frightening to me is the U.S. & Great Britain have been the anchors of NATO and over on the continent the other members are freaking out. The alliance and therefore the future of the free world is in grave danger. Once again I’m thankful that for all the crap in my life one thing I don’t have to worry about is the country & world my descendants will inherit because I never had kids. But that doesn’t mean I don’t weep inside for other people’s kids.

    • Personally, Denis, given what an opportunistic POS Johnson is and how the overall UK political leadership has become, I’m not sure there’s any way to tell if Putin helping Johnson directly out would have mattered much. I do take issue with the “force for good” argument that you mentioned vis-a-vis the US and Britain. There’s plenty of countries around the world that’d tell a far different story of how both of them have screwed them over. There’s a decent argument to be made here for the chickens finally coming home to roost.

      The tragicomical irony here is that Russia will likely get nothing useful out of this. All they’ve managed to do is clear the way for China to be the planet’s new top dog.

  3. As someone with friends and acquaintances with ties to the U.K….this is horrible, and about as bad as it seems. There are sort of two schools of thought on how Johnson might proceed with Brexit:

    For better: now in power, Johnson tones it down and proceeds in a more compromising manner, the strategy being that a long term hold on power is worth more than a hard line on Brexit. Maybe he doesn’t offer a good deal, or even a tenable one, but at least not something that makes everyone get up from the table and leave two sentences in.

    For worse: Johnson doesn’t tone it down, everything he proposes is a waste of time, and the U.K. hurtles toward a no-deal exit.

    I am personally a Johnson skeptic. In my view, he helped create this stupid mess, he hasn’t said anything in the intervening years that has proved useful, so it’s absurd to assume that he’s suddenly going to have realistic and tenable answers.

    In my view, the U.K. took a huge step toward a no-deal exit with this choice, and therefore also a huge step toward an economic and social crisis that will be measured in years and decades rather than months.

    • I agree with your view, Rory. And truthfully, I am certain that any other serious contender for the PM slot would have delivered much the same. Queen Elizabeth fleeing the country for retirement in Canada speaks volumes on how badly this is about to go.

      • British humor is dry, and sometimes it’s hard to discern satire. (The Queen isn’t really moving to Canada.)

        But she could run off to Balmoral. A 50,000 acre estate in the far north surrounded by 1700 square kilometers of national park is a pretty solid choice if one wants to avoid reality.

        • I’m a bit like Drax from Guardians of The Galaxy in that such things go over my head anyway. Serves me right for taking that at face value, I guess.

  4. Personally, I’d say the UK is in far worse trouble. Thanks to the false promises, boneheaded moves and bad faith practiced by his predecessors, Boris Johnson is in an even more precarious position than Trump and completely lacking in viable options to improve it. I’m looking for Scotland and Northern Ireland to secede any day now and, oh, did you notice how Queen Elizabeth is abdicating the throne and in the process of moving to Canada?

    My mom had the misfortune of catching Johnson on video and declared that he was just like Trump. Even moreso than here, that approach WILL land him in trouble.

  5. This is an incredible post for some anthropologist to study you lefties. I mean, do you EVER look in the mirror? The US and the UK both supporting Trump and Johnson, and yet you still continue with your whining. Now it’s not only 60 million Americans, but it’s millions of British too who apparently are all idiots. The arrogance is mind boggling. Does it not ever occur to you think that gee, maybe you had it wrong?


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