We’re having so much good news today that this might be too good to be true. Yes, it looks like Aileen Cannon is attempting to stack the deck in Trump’s favor. And it looks like that could lead to her removal from the case — although George Conway thinks she should be removed from the bench altogether, and I heartily concur with that. In her latest legal fumble she’s asking jurors to decide whether the Presidential Records Act allows Trump to take documents and consider them his personal property.

That is viewed as an outsourcing of her duties, to say the very least, and has been labeled “legally insane.” But it will be intriguing to see if this happens. I wonder if a jury of twelve reasonable people would conclude that national security secrets, say a plan to attack Iran, for example, were the government’s property or the personal property of Donald Trump. You see why lawyers on TV have been tearing their hair out all day.

I would so much like to see this woman off this case at the very least but it would be great if she got removed from the bench as well. She’s so clearly done everything that she can to stack the case in Trump’s favor. What will it take to get her removed?

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  1. Garland will drag his flat feet, the DOJ will delay and Trump will put her on the Supreme Court, in charge of persecuting all his enemeies, ie a job for life. No joke.

  2. I’m as tired of reading about how Cannon will be removed as I am about reading how orange slime is going to jail. How in hell has any of this been allowed to continue? There’s something bigger and darker going on here and it’s scary.

    • We’re all tired of this shit show. Past tired–effing exhausted. I worry that it isn’t anything bigger or darker than the fact that there are way too many idiots in this country and many of them occupy jobs lacking anything approaching the qualifications needed to do them. Could that have been the dastardly plan all along? Not sure but if it was then the ones pulling the strings are less intelligent than the idiots they control.

      Seriously tho’, what is happening to our society, the reactionary elements threatening violence, revenge (for what?), and all the rest we hear from the right-wing nut jobs on a daily basis, is something that can be expected from societies who allow religion to play any significant part in that society. The U.S. has allowed con, evang, xtianity, one of the worst quite frankly, to seep into government, schools, and into way too much of public life and now we have radical elements no different than those in Afghanistan, Iran, S.A., etc. having FAR more power than should be in the hands of what are, let’s face it, the most unstable elements of our society. Many of us sounded alarm bells back in the 80’s f.f.s and continued to do so up to the present. We were ignored, told we were imagining the worst, or, and this one was very common, we were anti-christian. Well, we weren’t. Now we have ignoramuses as judges, a thoroughly incompetent A.G. (again), and hoards of armed morons all ready to destroy our nation.

      There are a lot of people who need to be locked up rainy-we just do not have the capacity to do this because now the unstable criminal element numbers in the millions. The time to have fought these idiots was decades ago. I’m wondering if the best strategy, for me at least, is to just leave this festering hell hole and seek citizenship elsewhere.

      • I agree with you Spike but have to add that the unstable criminal element are the ones who have millions and use it to control (buy) the politicians and legal system.


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