Politics is a three-ring circus as we head into the first GOP primary. Donald Trump is in a defamation trial, which he’s using to show himself to be a martyr and win over public opinion. What he’s accomplishing, in point of fact, is to make a fool out of himself publicly and incur possible contempt citations, and/or exclusion from future court proceedings. Right now the defamation is on halt because Alina Habba’s parents have COVID and one of the juror’s has called in sick. so who knows how long this trial might be postponed for?

Ron DeSantis has dropped out, so now it’s a stand off between an establishment Republican, Nikki Haley, and the MAGA Messiah, Trump. Haley has announced she’s staying in the race until Super Tuesday. I hope she does. We should all send her a thank you card, because the longer she stays around and presumably insults Trump, the more he will react in his 8-year-old way and hopefully alienate any possible Independents who might consider voting for him. Meanwhile, here’s Marge Greene who is outlining the big picture for the GOP and that picture is orange.

This is the beginning of the end, my friends. I have been saying this for many months now. The GOP, as it was, has been on its deathbed for eight years now. It is going to pass away this year for sure, in July in Milwaukee, is my best prediction for time and place, during the GOP convention.

A new conservative party of some sort needs to arise. I think it’s very possible that GOP  could become synonymous with MAGA and in that case the New Conservatives, something to that effect, could form out of the old guard Republicans and their voters who are not MAGA crazies.

It has to go one way or the other. Either Donald Trump and MAGA are purged from the GOP or the GOP is purged from Donald Trump and MAGA. Eric Trump may have finally been right about something a few years ago when he said that the GOP was MAGA.

I never thought I would endorse a word out of Eric Trump’s mouth but in this case, he’s preaching the gospel. This is how it is and this is what it became in 2016 when they nominated Trump. Lindsey Graham’s prophecy is coming to pass, he is destroying the party and they deserve it. Intriguing how Graham and Mike Lee vociferously opposed Trump back in the day and now they’re his twin lap dogs.

The handwriting is on the wall. The GOP is collapsing. All the power brokers know it. The Kochs are probably keeping Haley financed through Super Tuesday, that’s a safe assumption to make. If Haley doesn’t get the nomination, which is what the polls are saying, then the GOP will finally crash and burn at the convention this summer and Trump will lose once again at the polls in November. David Koch said as much a few days ago in his memo.

And here’s the good news: 43% of Haley supporters will vote for Joe Biden, not for Trump, if she loses the nomination.

This is how the battle plans are drawn: Trump wins the GOP nomination (as he’s slated to do, in a landslide) and the GOP collapses and a new conservative party forms. Or, Haley, in a startling upset wins the GOP nomination. Then what happens to the MAGAs in Congress? Does Marge Greene suddenly respect the GOP standard bearer and act like a Republican and fall in line? Or does Haley find herself with a split GOP?

I have no idea. What I can tell you conclusively is that I spend every waking hour most days online studying all this and writing posts and none of the Republican strategists think Haley can win the nomination. That said, we have seen very Bizarro World results with respect to polls being wrong since Donald Trump came on the scene.

For the moment, my stance is to go along with Rick Wilson’s and that is, in a nutshell, that Trump will win the nomination and the major donors will take out their checkbooks and back him. And then we’ll watch the GOP lose again, for the fourth election in a row, not counting the senate runoffs in Georgia, and then the GOP will be done.

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  1. Hey Habba dabba do…just follow your client’s advice, have your parents drink clorox and stick a flashlight up their ass…they’ll be fine. I hear horse dewormer works great and the urge to eat hay goes away after a few weeks.

  2. The best outcome for The Democratic Party is Mr Trump becoming the republican nominee.

    Fortunately this is looking not just likely, but assured.

    No-one can bring out Democratic voters like Dimwit Donny.

  3. “A new conservative party of some sort needs to arise. I think it’s very possible that GOP could become synonymous with MAGA and in that case the New Conservatives, something to that effect, could form out of the old guard Republicans and their voters who are not MAGA crazies.”

    It won’t happen.

    It could’ve happened in 2010 to put a stop to the Tea Party crazies but McConnell and the “old guard Republicans” were too afraid the “Republican Party” would *gasp*LOSE*gasp* an election so they embraced the crazies. Back then, the Teabaggers threatened to form their own party and pull support from the “old guard” if the “old guard” didn’t embrace the Tea Party nonsense. And the “old guard” caved.

    Same thing now. If the “old guard” pulls from MAGA and there really are more of the “old guard” than MAGA, then both groups lose and they’re out of power until one side caves to the other. And, given the lack of spine among the “old guard” members currently in Congress, I see the “old guard” caving just like it did in 2010.

    • Should’ve added the voters are probably just going to keep voting for whichever candidate falls under the “Republican” header or the “R” beside their name. So, if the “old guard” lets MAGA keep the “Republican” name, that means the “old guard” caves even faster.


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