I guess that nobody in Trump world will have the price of a Big Mac left when all the grifting is said and done. And maybe that’s the plan. After all, Donald Trump has a lot of bills to pay. He’s got buildings that were badly financed and he’s got legal bills. He needs your money more than you do.

Now what is drop dead comical about this Petition To Stop the January 6 Hearings is that nobody watches the hearings, we are told. Yes, Sir. We have it on the best authority from none other than Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes, to name just a few, that the hearings are boring, dull, there’s nothing new.

So if that’s the case, why petition to have them stopped? Because it’s a good grift, that’s why. This is thinking outside the grifting box.

And of course, signing the petition is like signing the card congratulating Donald Trump on the abrogation of Roe v. Wade, meaning they’ll get all your contact information and you’ll get hounded for donations from now until the end of time.

What’s that you say? Who will they present the petition to? That’s a great question, one that the rubes won’t ask, but certainly we will. I suppose they could present it to Joe Biden, for all the good that will do.

Hey, I got it: give the petition to the Supreme Court. They’re on an extremist roll these days. Maybe they can cobble together some case law on canceling congressional hearings. Or, there must be something in the code, right?

I Googled that link and here’s the text of the petition. You’re going to love it.

The January 6th public hearings have been corrupt from the start. No opposing viewpoints, thousands of hours of video surveillance have been blocked from being released, in addition to minority rights being trampled in setting up and running this “bipartisan” committee.

In the hours before the first hearing on June 9, aides revealed to the Washington Post that there would be no “shocking revelations,” despite months of behind-closed-doors interviews with over 1,000 so-called witnesses.

These five reasons should be enough to stop the January 6 hearings that are taking place:

1. Many close Trump aides, including family members, disagreed with him about the election and tried to dissuade him.
2. The committee has been forced to doctor the evidence to make its case.
3. The committee has shown no evidence linking Trump directly to the riot.
4. Vice President Mike Pence held out against pressure to send some Electoral College votes back to state legislatures.
5. Witness testimony backfired when Democrats’ past efforts to stop the certification of elections was noted.

This sham process is taking place when many Americans cannot find baby formula, afford skyrocketing gas prices, and are facing a growing inflation squeezing the lower and middle classes of the country. Persecuting political adversaries has become the norm for this Democratic party led witch hunt, despite all the civil unrest in the Summer of love with BLM and Antifa riots in 2020 being left unchecked, not prosecuted, or even investigated.

Let’s stop these illegal and unconstitutional partisan “hearings” and bring our country back together to focus on things that matter – food, gas, and taming runaway inflation.

They’re looking for 10,000 signatures. To do what with, I don’t know, but that’s what they’re looking for. Oh, and so far they’ve collected, 1,441. Not exactly a barnburner of a day, would you say?

Somebody’s paaarranoid. That much is clear. Maybe it’s the orange guy with the combover. Maybe it’s all of them. And they want to transmit the paranoia to the base, so the base will protect Trump and shell out money to shield him from more embarrassment by the J6 Committee. Or such is my reasoning, in any event.

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  1. I can’t help but wonder if with some of the goobers these dickheads might be shooting themselves in the nuts. This about it from a MAGA goober perspective. Many will of course blindly cough up some of what little they have. But some will feel the scales on their eyes and or the scab on their brain housing group itch some and peel it back for a peek. As in watch some of the hearings or clips of them for themselves. Polling suggests that at least some minds are being if not changed then moved into the “undecided/not sure” column. So, if these hearings are so bad they have to be stopped some of the goobers might want to see some of it for themselves. Oh, they’ll rationalize by telling themselves they are just checking in so they can tell their pals why they too should send money. But like I said we are already seeing a bit of evidence that those scales/scabs have been itching out there in MAGA Land. This might well prompt a lot more of it and that’s a good thing!

  2. I don’t get their “five reasons” as having any bearing on stopping the hearings.

    “1. Many close Trump aides, including family members, disagreed with him about the election and tried to dissuade him.”
    Okay, and why should that stop the hearings? I mean, Trump obviously ignored all those efforts to “dissuade him” from persisting in his “Big Lie” grift and exhorting his supporters to take (unspecified) action on January 6th when the election certification would be made official. If you talk to someone who intends on taking some kind of illicit action and they ignore you and commit that illicit action, a court is still going to want that ON THE RECORD in a regular trial; neither the defense nor the prosecution is going to try to stop the trial.

    “2. The committee has been forced to doctor the evidence to make its case.”
    Well, folks. If you’ve got PROOF, then please show it. See that’s what kept all those “election fraud” lawsuits from proceeding in the courts after November: The claimants would never provide that evidence before an actual court date. Courts generally want to see the evidence before any hearing simply to determine whether the evidence is relevant to the case.

    “3. The committee has shown no evidence linking Trump directly to the riot.”
    And if the hearings are terminated, they never will show any such evidence. That’s circular reasoning there, morons.

    “4. Vice President Mike Pence held out against pressure to send some Electoral College votes back to state legislatures.”
    Yeah, and what does that have to do with ending the hearings? Pence was also rushed to safety because of the rioters and he also allegedly refused to get into a supposed Secret Service vehicle because he didn’t know the driver and allegedly feared for his own life if he’d gotten into that vehicle. Also, he should have NEVER been subjected to any such pressure in the first place. If his boss understood how this country’s Constitution actually worked, he wouldn’t have faced that pressure. But, that’s the real reason for continuing the hearings because SOMEONE was pressuring him to not do his duty. And WHO was pressuring him?

    “5. Witness testimony backfired when Democrats’ past efforts to stop the certification of elections was noted.”
    And, exactly how many of those times were accompanied by armed “protestors” forcing their way into the Capitol building to stop the certifications? As I recall, the only such efforts that happened were quickly shut down, as the Congressional Republicans’ efforts to stop the count were. But, again, we NEVER saw any armed protestors forcing their way into the Capitol to stop the count (and, in the own words of many of those protestors, to KILL members of Congress).

  3. Shortage of baby formula? Would that have something to do with contamination in the plant that makes it (maybe due to a roll back of federal oversight in the last administration)?

    High gas prices? Anything to do with the big oil companies making excessive profits, Saudi Arabia refusing to increase supply and Trump’s boss being sanctioned for invading Ukraine?

    Lower and middle classes being ‘squeezed’ So the massive tax reduction by the previous guy for the already extremely wealthy didn’t do anything for the less well off?

    Inflation? Maybe the loss of a LOT of tax revenue, profiteering by commercial interests and four years of corruption might just have helped

    • Yeah, because the GOP have all sorts of plans to put an end to inflation and bring down gas prices to November 2020 levels if they retake Congress.

      Of course, if you ask them any details, amazingly, they won’t tell you any of them. (Kind of like all that “evidence” of voter fraud that Trump supporters claimed they had but they would only show after they got into court for a hearing–which is kind of not how the legal system works and, amazingly, none of those GOP “lawyers” seemed to understand.)


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