Texas Senator John Cornyn is a real new age kinda guy, surprisingly, admonishing us all to move on and not dwell on a past that we can’t control, all that. Yeah, a past that’s two weeks back in the rear view mirror is definitely ancient history. Who could still be processing it, anybody know? Apparently members of the Capitol Police force are, because another one of them committed suicide.

The denial of the GOP is absolutely something to behold. And as you know, Kevin McCarthy is going down to Mar-a-Lago to try to sooth the savage beast down there, namely Trump. And QAnon keeps spouting its particularly toxic brand of jingoism and preparing for the second coming of Trump on March 4.

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  1. Cornyn is living in a imaginary world where the Dems are a permanent minority, and attempted coups by the sitting president never ever happen.

  2. Yeah, my old man used a variant on that old line a lot when I was a kid. It’s the standard logic employed by abusers everywhere to keep their victims under control. But there comes a time, if you got ANY self-respect left, that line no longer works. That moment has arrived for America.

  3. Well, once printer is up and running well time to send a letter or two. But remember folks, “respectfully”. Even though my usage is just being polite.

    Why Texas voted for such an ass, respectfully of course, well, them fellers and gals have s*^t for brains. Bless their hearts. See, be insulting with a smile. Almost got toasted by somebody at DK because I said that for a female. Yikes. Like my comment about “Gov HotWheels”would be making “fun” of a disabled person. Nope. Pure scorn. Why you say? He got his $ from accident and then made sure nobody else could do the same. Yeah, scorn. Would I make “fun” of Rep Crenshaw and one eye. Nope.
    Yet, you would think he be more “compassionate” with one eye. One, two or 100, he is an … ass, respectfully of course.

    • Forgot to say, condolences to officer and family. Sometimes the bloop pressure gets in the way of basic decency.

      Why Dems and pals should remind the USA of how many hours, resources and honor was used up for Benghazi. And how one lady did go and answer their idiotic questions. You know, Unity and forgetting things. FFS. These craven fools seem to forget it was their austerity that limited resources for state department and staffing.


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