This article is going to be a bit different from what you’re used to. Over the past few days, several interesting political things have happened. But none of them, by themselves have the complexity to make an article out of them. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth hearing.

For starters, a special Friday Stand up and take bow, FOOL! for GOP congress moron Jody Hise of Georgia. In a House Oversight Committee hearing on the devastating effects of abortion restrictions, Hise, trying to push his lame ass Personhood theory, made a horses ass of himself. In questioning an OB/GYN doctor and university professor, he went off the rails;

Professor, in your long career, have you personally ever had, or heard or read of another doctor having a woman go into labor, and then give birth to anything but a person. The professor was as confused as I was, and didn’t know what the hell he was talking about,. Hise followed up with Well, for instance, you’ve never had a woman go into labor, or heard of a woman going into labor and delivering anything other than a person, like say, a turtle?

When I heard that, I totally freaked. I swore I would give up what was left of my life just to be sitting that chair for 30 lousy seconds. Because my answer would be, Actually yes, I know of at least one case. It was quite a while ago, but on the very same day you were born, your mother went into labor, and gave birth to a Crash Test Dummy! Jody Hise, Imbecile Extraordinaire. , Stand up and take a bow, FOOL!

In my adopted home state of Nevada, Democratic incumbent Catherine Cortez-Masto, or an aligned PAC or Super PAC, is up with a brutal attack ad hammering her opponent, GOP Attorney General Adam Laxalt for his almost savant like skill at managing his personal stock portfolio. They list a group of energy, tech, and pharmaceutical stocks that Laxalt bought, rode the rocket on, and almost magically managed to sell at the top, before anybody else.

Here’s why I mentioned this. If you live in Ohio, better keep an eye out for a derivative of this on your own boob tubes. It would be political malpractice for Senate candidate Tim Ryan to not hammer his opponent, JD Vance over the head with this. The damn ad literally writes itself;

We already saw what happens when we elect a television billionaire to the presidency. He uses it to set up a multimedia pyramid marketing scam. Do you honestly believe that JD Vance will just walk away from his private equity hedge fund, and spend all of his time working solely for you? 

In Pennsylvania, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro may be running a template campaign. I have already written that the day after his opponent, GOP Senate Leader Doug Mastriano won the primary, deep pocket GOP donors either shut off the funski valve for Mastriano, or started writing checks directly to Shapiro instead.

But it goes deeper than that. In an interview today, Shapiro told MSNBC that he is actually building a coalition of Democratic, Republican, and independent voters. He related that at a recent, on the fly backyard campaign event, former George W Bush Secretary Michael Chertoff and his wife showed up. After the speech, Chertoff and his wife came up, shook hands, and pledged their total support.

Here’s why this matters. You have often heard me speak of political coattails. Well, in a battleground state like Pennsylvania, where the margins figure to be razor thin, this could be critical. Ask yourself this, if you go to the polls to vote for Shapiro because Mastriano is far too radical, are you likely to turn around and vote for an empty cardboard box like Mehmet Oz? If no, what are the chances that you just vote Democratic down the ballot, a pox on all of their houses! This could change the landscape of the state legislature as well.

There! That wasn’t so bad, was it? Instead of having to slog through 112 paragraphs on one subject, you got a new topic every few paragraphs. I hope you enjoyed the change of pace.


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  1. “Well, for instance, you’ve never had a woman go into labor, or heard of a woman going into labor and delivering anything other than a person, like say, a turtle?” Doesn’t that describe Moscow Mitch’s birth right there?!

  2. If only the reply had been: “Well, assholes are born every day. They might look like humans but they are actually just human shaped rectums expelling nasty stuff all over the place. Given the way you’re fouling this hearing I think it’s safe to say you are such a creature.”

  3. If I’d been the professor I would’ve answered quite simply, “Well, I wouldn’t say they’ve given birth to anything other than ‘persons’ if you’re willing to allow dead people to retain the right to vote since there is plenty of medical evidence and reports of still-born ‘people.'”

    I’d then add, as a follow-up (if allowed), that any notion of fetal personhood would then set legal precedents that would allow approximate conception dates instead of actual dates of birth for various functions such as purchasing alcohol and tobacco, getting drivers’ licenses and voting. If you’re not willing to allow someone who’s only been out of the womb some 17 years and 3 months old to vote and *forcing* them to wait until they’ve reached their 18th “vaginal liberation” anniversary, then you’re denying them their RIGHTS AS PERSONS UNDER THE LAW.

  4. Hice is just as bad as MTG, slightly better because he doesn’t embarrass us Georgians nearly as much as she does but he’s still a seditious ass and I can’t wait until he is dragged away in handcuffs. I don’t understand how the people in his district are not completely and totally embarrassed that he’s even associated with them. You’d think that with all the crap he’s done they would ask for a recall or vote differently but Nooooo! Fingers crossed that Georgia goes from purple to blue this year.

  5. “Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus” There’s another version of this which starts “mons laboravit,” but I’m not finding it. But, as Joseph says, if there’s a person, it isn’t necessarily alive. It isn’t even necessarily fetal in nature. Labor contractions and menstrual cramps are veri similar in nature – probably, taken out of context, there’s no way to tell them apart. Which kind is stronger? Well, one friend told me, “think of the worst menstrual cramps yu’ve ever had and multiply by ten. But another friend told me, “After my menstrual cramps., giving birth was a walk in the park.”

    Women with endometriosis (I am one, and I survived a ten-pound endometrioma to prove it) often pass clots while menstruating. Doctors say “menstrual blood cannot clot, because it has already clotted,” and I’m sure they’re correct.
    But there’s no reason thoat the clotting which took place before normal menstrual blood unclatted cannot release from the uterine wall and come out in pieces. I am now 76 and way past menopause, but in my time I have “given birth” to numerous solid and measurable clots. Laboriously.

    Politicians who come up with “gotcha” questions might benefit from speedy intervention.

  6. A good OB-GYN textbook will tell you that some fertilized eggs grow into teratomas: weird balls of assorted tissue types not assembled into a human being. Often lots of hair. So YES, dumbass Republican, women do in fact bring forth things that are not people.

    • Yes, I’ve heard of that. One of George Takei’s sites had an article o that. Not just hair, but also teeth are – well, not exactly normal – but definitely possible.

      (And I forgot to mention the endometrioma was delivered by C-section. But I have certainly never gicen birth to a child.)


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