Jesse Watters had a guest on his show tonight that used to work for the FBI and who has the supposed dirt on both the laptop from Hell and the FBI. The laptop message is as inane as you would expect but the “FBI has to be gutted” message is one that I find alarming.

The government as the bad guy is the theme of totalitarian fiction. And yes, a police state run by an autocrat is something to be feared.

Fox News would have you believe that we are there. This is a logical extension of what Ronnie Raygun got going in his disastrous term of office, which saw both the eradication of the Fairness In Broadcasting doctrine and the mantra “government is the problem.” Thank you, Saint Reagan. This is a six-minute clip but the first 90 seconds is what you need to hear.

Now I found this at the top of Donald Trump’s Truth Social feed, because this is his way of dealing with the fact that his world is collapsing around him, to obsess on this weak tea conspiracy theory.

Almost makes you long for the days of Hillary’s emails, does it not? Or Trey Gowdy’s battle cry, “Benghaaaaazi!”

And of course the sublime irony here is that if anybody would implement a totalitarian regime the minute he stepped into the Oval Office, it would emphatically be Trump. And he’s telegraphing that reality to us right now, make no mistake.

This is like Hitler writing Mein Kampft from prison. This is the outline of where Trump’s thoughts are and where he wants to go. And what makes that ludicrous, is that this is what substitutes in Trump world for a campaign. Trump posts a clip from Fox News on his social media platform and pours another Diet Coke.

Here’s the obvious thing that nobody is saying right now: Trump is too depressed to campaign. He’s lost the old spark. His announcement speech was tepid and he said nothing new during it. He can’t talk about anything these days, publicly, other than the stolen election conspiracy theory and that’s not going to cut much ice on the campaign trail. But that’s all he’s got.

So apparently, Trump is just hanging out at Mar-a-Lago, waiting for some opening, something where he can run out there in full grievance mode and get everybody’s attention, and the troops will rally behind him.

If Hunter Biden’s laptop is Trump’s best shot at reelection, or the sum and substance of the GOP’s political platform, we are in for a lonnng two years. But if there’s anything else out there other than revenge politics and a broken down old clown in orange paint, struggling to regain relevance in the Big Top, we certainly have not seen it emerge since November 15, the night of the Great Announcement.

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  1. He’s a broken toy but his armed cult members are not. 300 million guns on the street lovingly brought to your childrens’ lives by the people who make the laws. Government isn’t the problem. Government in the wrong hands, like the house in a couple of weeks, IS the problem. If democracy was a bucket of vanilla ice cream, once you add a few spoonfuls of shit, it may look like ice cream, but it is essentially a bucket of shit. Until the voters smarten up, as ee Cummings wrote in a poem: there is some shit I will not eat. I just wonder how many dead will it take? Clearly not enough yet.

  2. He announced he was running because he believed that would stop the all the investigations into his life long crimes but now he knows it won’t make a difference. That’s why he’s not spending his PAC money on campaigning. One thing he does well is take the money and run.

  3. Someone suggested that we should consistently respond to statements like “Government is the problem.” with “You mean democracy is the problem?” (because of course democracy is what our government is.) Although these days there might be a few who would accidentally be honest by saying “Yes.”

    • I believe it was Churchill who made several sarcastic remarks about democracy…if you want to know what’s wrong with democracy…just spend five minutes talking to the average voter. I believe he also said…democracy is the worst form of government…except for all the others. Funny man.


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