The Furkids team decided it was definitely time for another one of their happy songs. They seem to have a bottomless bag of these simple melodies with happy lyrics, and this week they reached back to the middle of last century for a classic in the genre, sung by Perry Como.

We have plenty of coins so the jukebox is full and ready to go! Time to get comfy, press play and tune those vocal cords before scrolling down the lyrics and singing along!

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  1. {{{Michelle}}} I’m old enough to remember watching the Perry Como Show & I’m talking the originals. LOL. Memories beautifully enhanced by you and the furkids. Skritches to Ms. Loula, moar {{{HUGS}}} to you.

  2. Impossibly cute animals, great photography and smiles all around really nice !!

    As we are 76 years old, the usual din of the hustle and bustle of city life and groans and moans of the farmers out in their fields, too much rain, not enough rain, too hot, too cool, and here we see the cute animals in the glory of a super classic melody … THANKS SO MUCH, Michelle !!

  3. I love this song, and being an old fogie now, I can really appreciate Perry Como’s lovely voice. Thanks so much, Mopsy! I’m gonna imagine my pockets being full of starlight. 🙂

    p.s. Your illustrations for this are wonderful, from the opener to the very end.


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