About That Horse, And The Barn Door?


Y’all know that I played hockey for a bunch of years, and in my playing days I always had a kind of a personal philosophy. Given a choice, I’d much rather play the third period up by two goals than down by two. And right now, the GOP Governors in Arizona, Texas, and Florida are down by a lot more than that.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was quite the sight today at his coronavirus press conference. Mostly what he looked like was a 6 year old wearing his fathers suit and standing in front of the mirror, trying to look all important and shit. And that’s about how competent and intelligent he looked standing there too.

But DeSantis made news too, and oodles of it. He complimented senior citizens on their diligence in continuing to wear protective gear, maintain social distancing, and staying at home. Gee, could that be because we frost tops don’t trust a word out of your lying mouth? He actually promoted the wearing of masks in public, but then he expressed absolute amazement that the spike in cases was due to the 25-34 age demographic. You know, the same age group that looked at the stay-at-home orders like being grounded by their parents?

But his big news must have come as a maximum bummer to his beach blanket constituents. In addition to closing the beaches ahead of the July 4th holiday, DeSantis belatedly joined Texas and Arizona in announcing the closing of all bars in the state, as prospective hot spots. But here’s a perfect example of that vaunted GOP leadership. The closings are not immediate, they begin in the upcoming week. How’s that for genius leadership. The bars are hot spots, so you announce the closings in advance, giving the young idiots a couple of more days to pack the bars and get their freak down.

But here’s where that whole horses and barn doors thing comes into play. According to Dr Peter Hortez, doing this not only in Florida, but in Texas and Arizona as well is like pulling the goaltender just as the final horn goes off. You’re already too damn late.

Here’s why. By re-opening the bars in a totally reckless and irresponsible way, with no capacity or social distancing restrictions or enforcement, these malignant moron Governors introduced the virus into a demographic that had previously shown to be pretty resistant to it. But the problem is that the virus is there now, in that demographic, and belatedly shutting down the bars isn’t going to do a damn thing to get rid of it.

At this point, what difference does it make if the bars and beaches are closed. These kids are going to have parties in the basement, or backyard BBQ’s. They’re going to stand in a bunch, tell jokes, and laugh too loud. They’re going to drink from each others cups, make out, and get laid. And in doing so, become a Covid smorgasbord.

And thanks to the Trump Economy, A sizable number of these mutton heads still live at home with their parents, a higher risk group, and maybe even their grandparents, the very people who have been standing on their heads to stay out of the way of this thing. And they’re gonna laugh, and belch, and cough, and kiss people goodnight, and hey! whatever happens, happens.

From the very start of this crisis, these GOP Governors have suffered from two terminal conditions. They vastly underestimated their incompetence, and they vastly overestimated their hold over their supporters. Science denial was an easy shtick, and it played well with their supporters, who didn’t want to think about responsibility or sacrifice either. But now constituents, including supporters, are dying, and more every day, and they’re getting scared. And for the first time, like a husband caught standing in the doorway at 3 am with his shoes in his hand when the hall light comes on, they’re getting that sinking feeling that the party is over. It would be poetic justice if only so many innocent people didn’t have to die to get there.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35S

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  1. The 25-34 range that thinks only olds get the virus, and like to party Friday night through Sunday afternoon? That refuses to wear masks because it isn’t cool? That demographic?
    (Actually, the 18-24 group is getting the virus more, also, and the 35-44 – same reasons.)

    • Biggest growing demo in the early stages of TN was my age bracket of 35-44. Every bit of news I got since I heard keeps convincing me to keep hunkering down. Say a prayer for all those who has no option to avoid it.

    • Not to omit that this demographic is at the start of their working lives. They can’t stay home from their jobs, which probably don’t allow for social distancing, and there’s a fair chance they are under pressure not to wear masks.

  2. And then there’s the people who wear masks into stores, take them off, and then throw spectacular tantrums when told they have to wear them.

  3. And completely OT, but not really, with Orange Guano trying to eliminate the ACA, I seem to remember a Congress-person(Katie Porter?) wringing a promise from a Gov official that all Covid testing and treatment would be paid for by the government. I could understand the *Administration not bringing that up again, but our JOB is to remind them, and hold them to it!!!

  4. I knew you were a kindred sprit Murf. I played hockey for most of my life, until I collapsed a vertabrae in my spine in a motorcycle accident and couln’t risk any more hard hits.still love the game though. As an afterthought, fuck Desantis. It’s too late for him to try to stand on his hind legs now. Her broke it, he bought it.

    • Too late for Abbott and Patrick, in TX. They were so proud of how well they were doing, even as they handicapped cities and counties.

  5. Remember when growing up mothers used to say, if your friend jumped off a cliff are you going to follow? Well these ass hats followed 45 right over the cliff? Damn that they took so many with them though.

  6. [ Work At Home For USA ]
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  7. Damn good thing I had a pedicure today!!! This guy is probably the worst governor Florida has ever had! Oh wait!!! There was Scott too! Bunch of trump ass kissers!!! They make me sick!

    • No. They are also working to support themselves and their families. It is the governors who are trying to make it look like bars are the only problem, while ignoring workplaces.

    • And what did you do with YOUR spare time at that age again? Christ, watching Boomers and some of my own Gen Xers talk like the parents they so despised to the kids never ceases to anger me. I know for a fact that most of those folks doing that cant scarcely did any better. So kindly spare me the sanctimony. They’re going to be suffering from OUR collective mistakes for the rest of their lives.


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