Roger Stone Loses $100Million Defamation Suit, Mueller Indictment May Be Next


Contrite is seldom a word used in conjunction with Roger Stone, but as of Monday, Stone admitted that his defamation of a Chinese businessman was “irresponsible” and he has agreed to publish retractions on main stream and social media, in settlement of the $100Million suit. Stone was found liable for publishing false and misleading statements on InfoWars, about exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui. Wall Street Journal:

The agreement requires Mr. Stone to run ads in national newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, apologizing for making defamatory statements about a Chinese businessman who is a vocal critic of Beijing. It also requires Mr. Stone to publish a retraction of the false statements on social media. Doing so exempts him from paying any of the damages.

In a text message, Mr. Stone described his conduct as “irresponsible” and added that “I am solely responsible for fulfilling the terms of the settlement.”

The timing of this settlement is interesting, because for the past several weeks Stone has said that he expects to be indicted, along with Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, by Robert Mueller.

Unrelated to the Russia probe, Mr. Stone’s settlement is the latest indication that his use of various media platforms to spread unfounded claims isn’t without consequences. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office is investigating Mr. Stone’s role in orchestrating stories about key events being examined in the Russia probe, the Journal has reported.

While right wing pundits demand that Mueller wrap up the probe soon, there is little indication that that will occur. In fact, quite the contrary, it appears that some players close to Donald Trump, Stone among them, will be asked to clarify the relationship between the Russians and Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

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  1. This is just the intro to the indictments, subpeonas, pleas, trials, judgments, sentencing and imprisonments of the GOP-Nazis. The **** about to hit the fan. It’s Mueller Time come January 2019 when he has cover from the House of Representatives.


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