Trump Lies About Riots In California Other Whoppers At Nevada Rally


Donald Trump did another one of his combo 2020 campaign rallies/Two Minute Hate segments in Elko, Nevada today, where Republican Dean Heller is campaigning against Democrat “Whacky” (Trump’s sobriquet) Jacky Rosen. Trump loves nicknames and even polled the crowd on what he should call Joe Biden.

If there’s a quantitative difference between Creepy Joe and Crooked Hillary, I don’t see it. Trump continued to bounce off the walls.

This is one of Trump’s more bold faced lies, ever. A riot is a rather large and significant event, they’re a little hard to miss. The fact that he’s saying riots plural when there hasn’t been a one, much less one today (“they’re rioting now”) can only be classified as vintage Trump. That lie was the biggest and the worst, but there were plenty of other noteworthy fibs and outright fabrications.

What’s interesting here is that 44 years encompasses the terms of four other Republican presidents, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II, so with this lie, Trump is reigning supreme over his own party as well as the opposition. Nobody but nobody could do it except him. And then he made a fantastic statement about approval ratings.

This is the fantasy life of a lunatic, folks, but unfortunately you and I are involved. But not forever. Hopefully, not for very much longer.

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