The FBI Never Interviewed Prof. Ford, Would Mean They Had to Interview Cavanaugh.


I am going to stretch a bit as I retake my place here, having been on extended medical leave for well over two weeks. I have to stretch in order to loosen up the sword sticking out of my spine. It is an invisible sword, can only see parts of it on an MRI, but please trust me on this, the object continues to inflict far more pain than necessary. Where was I?

Right, back at work.

And thankfully, or tragically, nothing has changed since we last got together. Trump still reigns over his 40% and continues to divide the nation. Trump managed to find thee most “Trumpian” member of the federal judiciary and nominated the one judge most like him to the SCOTUS, and someone communicated to the FBI (Aham, Don McGhan) that the investigation into Cavanaugh could not find anything.

How do wee know?

Because the FBI did not even interview Professor Ford as part of their investigation. The FBI said that they would not learn any more than what has been brought out in the hearing, though they might well be expressing exactly what they were told.

Think about that for a moment. The FBI, perhaps the world’s best law enforcement agency, certainly the one with the most resources and specialists, that same FBI determined that that it would gain nothing, none, by interviewing a witness themselves, a witness who wanted to speak to them. Even Judge Napolitano of Fox News knows the lasting damage such a decision causes:

“People that don’t want Judge Kavanaugh confirmed — whether they don’t want him confirmed because of the perception that he’s ideologically against them or because they really believe the allegations against him — now have more ammunition and more doubt to say, ‘Why was the FBI held back? Was the FBI used as a political instrument yet again?’”

“Why weren’t they just allowed to interview whoever they wanted, including the two principles, Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford?” he asked. “Those allegations are going to stick.”


So there’s that.

The allegations are also going to stick because all studies demonstrate – and the American public saw firsthand – that Professor Ford near surely told the truth. Thus, the single most dangerous thing to Cavanaugh was for Cavanaugh to face an FBI interview where, he would be forced to tell the truth.

How does one avoid putting Cavanaugh into danger through an interview? Determine to not interview either of the two principle witnesses, that way it “stands out” less, that the real point was not to “not interview Dr. Ford.” No, the real point was to “not interview Cavanaugh,” so that Cavanaugh was not “on the record” about any of this.

These Republicans have been evading truth for some time, they’re kind of good at it. That is not a stretch, something I’m doing much better nowadays. I know that shifting one direction to another might bring me to my knees, which is sucky but I’ll deal with it. Fortunately for Brett Cavanaugh, providence continues to shine upon him, he won’t face FBI questions, greatly reducing the chance that Cavanaugh be stabbed with an allegation that proves fatal, or even more painful.

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