Rachel Maddow Nails It. Comey Decided to Hurt Hillary.


On Thursday night, Rachel Maddow pointed out a key fact about former FBI Director James Comey’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails that has gone largely overlooked

She points out that the newly released inspector general report from the Department of Justice inspector clearly outlines James Comey’s decision to release a letter announcing the reopening of an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.  In deciding to do so, he weighted the consequences of either hurting or helping Clinton and he chose one.

“The inspector general finds that James Comey just didn’t care if he might be seen as acting in a way that might hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” she said. “But he really, really, really cared and he took great extraordinary action to avoid appearing like he might be helping Hillary Clinton in any way. that’s how he weighed those two consequences.

Watch the clip below.

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