Breaking: ABC News Reports Cohen to Flip On Trump, Cooperate With Feds


ABC news reporting stuff that will send Trump down into the restroom for a bit:

As attorneys for Michael Cohen rush to meet Judge Kimba Wood’s Friday deadline to complete a privilege review of over 3.7 million documents seized in the April 9 raids of Cohen’s New York properties and law office, a source representing this matter has disclosed to ABC News that the law firm handling the case for Cohen is not expected to represent him going forward.

I suspect the firm has no desire to enter the fray that is going to be political at its root.

No replacement counsel has been identified as of this time.

Cohen, now with no legal representation, is likely to cooperate with federal prosecutors in New York, sources said. This development, which is believed to be imminent, will likely hit the White House, family members, staffers and counsels hard.

Indeed, it may already be hitting the president hard because he just tweeted that the fake news CNN-NBC is “the greatest enemy to the country” – which sounds like a man setting up for war with the truth. Trump’s comments about the media will get their own story, but it seemed critical to get the news out that Cohen will soon flip.

Say it again, Trump’s FIXER will be cooperating with the federal government.

Good-bye, Trump.

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