This is one of those shake your head moments, because you can’t believe you really saw what you just saw. Simply, a 13-year-old — who looks 13, not everybody looks the same at that age — cannot go to a seller of beer, pornography, lotto tickets, and get those products, but he got this one easily. Now, this was an illegal sale, but the guy who sold the kid the gun doesn’t seem to be too concerned with that. I would venture to say that he’s only concerned with the filming taking place, which he probably found out about after the fact. That will be his complaint, that he was caught, not that he did something horrendous.

Now we know what true American values are: Mom, the flag, apple pie and rifles.


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  1. Oh, it’s easy as f— to see why he got that gun so easily: He’s white. And the seller was white.

    Dollars to donuts, if he’d been black or Latino at the gun show, he would’ve had a whole lot of invective thrown his way as the seller refused the sale.

      • Um, “get guns” was NOT the point. BUYING guns was.

        The white kid went to a gun show and bought a gun from a white guy.

        13 year old black kids can also GET cigarettes or liquor or lottery tickets–as well as be turned away from legitimate sellers or people working in a SANCTIONED facility. But, the simple fact is that most gun shows are held in facilities that should require some kind of licensing by the city or county authorities. If a convenience store sold cigarettes or liquor or lottery tickets to a minor, you can damn well be sure that store would, at the very least, be fined and, at most, lose its license to sell those items. A convention center or a similar facility that allows gun sales to a minor should lose its license to host future events.


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