Those of you that read me already know that I have compared Traitor Tot’s recent screamed messages on Bullsh*t Social and his desperate e-mail and text pleas for moolah to Hitler’s hysterical radio rants from the bunker under the Chancellery in Berlin in April of 1945. And those comparisons are easy to make if you just look at them side-by-side.

But here’s another way in which Trump’s hysterical tirades are similar to those of Hitler. In both cases they weren’t talking to the people, instead they were speaking exclusively to their die hard bases. Which means the brainwashed toadies, the young idealists, and the already resigned. Everybody else was hiding out in whatever hole they hoped wouldn’t collapse in on top of them with the next bomb or rocket, and praying for the end.

But here’s a notable difference. In all but his last couple of radio rants, a clearly delusional Hitler was holding out hope with the promised phantom army of the West, reconstituted from previously shattered units on the Western Front, and marching day and night to save the day. Hitler held out hope to his people until the end. Except nobody was listening anymore.

Trump is different. Trump has spent the last nine years playing on the fears and insecurities of his lower educated, lower income base. His response to every threat or pressure to him is to immediately take to text and e-mail, or Bullsh*t Social, trump reminds his brain dead followers that he’s being crucified for them, and if he falls, then the Biden Gestapo will be coming for them next. Oh, yeah, and don’t forget to send some cash! Trump’s media posts signal almost a fatal resignation that in a few weeks he is going to be a convicted criminal. No miracle army here. Play on the fear.

Here are two examples to show you what I’m talking about. On the day of the opening statements, Trump’s campaign staff sent out an e-mail and text blast, advising people that at that moment, the brave and stalowart President Trump was in a Manhattan courthouse, literally fighting for his life and freedom, which means that he was fighting for them. It demanded that One million brave patriots donate to the campaign in the next 24 hours, to show President Trump that they have his back. Jesus, nothing like the light touch.

The campaign announced today that the Trump campaigned had raised $1.1 million in donations in the 24 hours after the blast was sent out. On its face, this would make it appear that the Trump team had attained its goal, and that Trump’s support from his moronic base was rock solid. That’s called making lemonade out of lemons. 

Here’s the bovine fertilizer underneath the roses. The blast called for 1 million brave patriots to contribute within 24 hours. But now let’s talk some serious turkey here for a moment. According to FEC filings, the average Trump small dollar donation is $35. 

Which means by the process of simple math, either 1 million sheeple each pitched in $1, which wouldn’t even cover the processing cost, or 500,000 of the faithful chipped in $2 each, or more likelu, 40,000 imbeciles pitched in a lousy $35 each. If a million proud patriots had each pitched in $35, the campaign would have brought in some $3.5 million in that 24 hour period. The blast was an abject failure.

Here’s the 2nd one. Last night, on the eve of the court hearing on his flagrant gag order violations, El Pendejo Presidente took to his favorite medium, Bullsh*t Social to pen, to maybe thumb, what he called his Farewell Address. He solemnly, which for His Lowness means hysterically, advised his slobbering horde that the next day, the Trump hating judge was holding a hearing to deprive him of his 1st Amendment rights of free speech. And even if the judge didn’t jail him, which Traitor Tot was fully prepared for, and would suffer gladly for his base, he would almost certainly rob him of his access to social media just to shut him up! So be it. But a nice, large donation would be a fine parting gift to the game show participant that didn’t make it to the final round.

Trump is the original Boy who cried wolf! For nine long years, he has fleeced his sheeple with forecasts of dire doom if they don’t support him and keep the donation funski valve wide open. But after nine long, terror filled years, only his delusional hard core base is willing to continue the fight. Everybody else is hiding in the rubble, just waiting for the carnage to end.

I thank yhou for the privilege of your time.

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  1. “If a million proud patriots had each pitched in $35, the campaign would have brought in some $3.5 million in that 24 hour period.”

    Murf, you might want to recheck your math.

    1,000,000 people contributing $35 each would raise $35 million (100,000 people contributing $35 would raise $3.5 million).



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