If you thought you saw the definitive work on sado masochism and you knew something about submission and dominance, you were wrong. Reality has totally eclipsed the Hollywood saga of a billionaire with dreary issues and his sweet young thing lover. Instead, we have a faux billionaire with criminal issues and his sweet young faux Xian, who was a complete nonentity in his own party until fate thrust the Speaker’s gavel into his hands one day. And the abuse that one is dishing out to the other tells the tale.

If you’re just tuning in, Mike Johnson flew to Florida today at taxpayer expense to declare that he was introducing a bill which is totally unnecessary because it’s already the law that only citizens can vote in American elections. Why would he do such a thing? To placate the mentally unstable has-been who is atop the dead party’s presidential ticket for the third time in a row, that’s why. As always, only seeing is believing. And even then you’ll think that you must be dreaming.

This is the plain truth of the matter: Trump has unified the lunatic fringes of the GOP. They have always been there, the religious crazies, the KKK, the Nazis, the gay haters, the woman haters, the gun crazies. But they were the fringes and the greater GOP was in control. There is no greater GOP nowadays. Mitt Romney was the last Republican presidential nominee. For the past three presidential elections in a row you have had the Marmalade Maniac. This is because there is not a single politician in the GOP who represents the conservative line of thought anymore. Only the crazies are left.

And yes, Mike Johnson and the rest of them fear Trump because he controls the crazies. 30% or so of the GOP is a lot of people and that’s MAGA, the bottom 30% of the GOP, the deplorables, call them what you will. If MAGA hates you, you will go down in flames at the ballot box. This is how Trump holds the rest of the GOP hostage. They know Trump’s insane as well as you or I do. But they are loathe to cross him because if he says the word and excommunicates you, you are finished. Mike Johnson doesn’t want to go the way of Mike Pence, plain and simple. Nancy Mace was also an “independent voice” standing up to Trump for a short time. You saw how long that lasted. She was groveling in the streets in front of Trump Tower looking to get reelected in 2022. In 2024 she’d be thrilled out of her mind to be Trump’s VP.

Make up all the bills you like, Mike. How about you introduce a bill that one person gets one vote? That’s already law? Never mind. Wait, I got it: how about we make election day the first Tuesday in November? That’s there, too? Gee, I dunno, I guess just ask Donald what he thinks will fix things and do whatever he says. And if Donald says he’s worried about all the Martians and Venusians who voted in the last election, make sure you don’t accidentally crack a smile, he’ll break your gavel over your head.

As much as we laugh at the plight of the Republican party and God knows we do, it is pathetic that this crazy man controls what’s left of the GOP, lock stock and barrel. It is a tragedy unfolding before our eyes, these past eight years now. The GOP of yore is gone. And unfortunately, it’s being run by Vladimir Putin and that is not hyperbole, it’s the plain, sad truth of things.

Johnson looks petrified. He does not look convinced of anything and he is not convincing. He is way out of his depth and over his head. I almost feel sorry for him. I would feel sorry for him but for his pompous idiocy about being *chosen* as Moses was chosen, to lead.

I wonder if Mike thinks Jesus would approve of his moral cowardice? I think that right now, if Johnson were completely honest with himself, he would realize that he is the moral equivalent of Pontus Pilate far more than that of Jesus Christ.

And quite frankly? I think that the photo atop this piece is headed for the history books. Trump looks insane and Johnson looks terrified. This is the state of Republican politics in the Year Of Our Lord, 2024.


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  1. Well, now that that is settled, there is only one question left open for debate…….

    …….can Mike lick his own nuts like other lap dogs???


  2. Damn…and here I was under the impression I didn’t agree with ANYTHING this nutjob christo-fascist says or believes…then he points at Trump when talking about hardened criminals. DAMNIT! OK mikey…we can agree on that. I guess this is what reaching across the isle means. LOL…I still know YOU’RE INSANE…but I guess the almighty still has a few tricks left in this mystery tale.

    • “How about you introduce a bill that one person gets one vote? That’s already law? ” Uhh Sorry, beg to differ. While that’s true at the state and local level, not so nationally – as in presidential election. Hillary won by 3 million actual votes, yet… no President Hillary. This needs to be fixed. (yes I know this has little to do with the subject of the post but it’s an extremely sore spot with me and I can’t let it slide. Just sayin’)

      • Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……………………………

        You DO understand what it would take to change the Electoral College as a whole, right? The states could pretty much do a lot to change things (go the Maine-Nebraska route and award electoral votes based on district vote*) but, for ANYTHING ELSE to be done–including abolition of the procedure–a Constitutional amendment is required. Not a “nicety,” not a “choice” but a requirement as it affects a Constitutional issue.

        And amending the Constitution requires a bill passed by 2/3 of BOTH Houses of Congress (alternatively, 2/3 of the states could press for a “convention”) and then ratification by 3/4 of all the states. 290 voting members in the House and 67 in the Senate (presumably, the 2/3 requirement only applies to members who vote either “yea” or “nay”–a “present” vote doesn’t count) followed by 38 states. Yeah. Good luck with any of that happening. The Electoral College hasn’t been changed from its original form since the 12th Amendment’s ratification in 1804–well, aside from granting DC its electoral votes in 1964 after the 23rd Amendment’s ratification. Congress COULD take a legislative action which wouldn’t require an amendment but that would likely mean a drastic uptick in the numbers of House members. The only reason the Electoral College has 538 electors is because Congress passed legislation in the 1920 to limit the number of House members at 435, allowing for a temporary increase in the event of a new state’s being admitted as happened in 1959 with Alaska and Hawaii’s admissions (the Electoral College in 1960 had 537 electors, the 100 representing the now-50 states’ senators plus the base 435 House members from the previous 48 states and 1 elector each representing the representatives from each of the 2 new states–after Congressional reapportionment following the 1960 census, two existing House seats from the “old 48” had to go in order to make up for Alaska and Hawaii’s House seats).

        *Back in 2009-2011, several GOP-dominated state legislatures whose states had “mistakenly” voted for Obama in 2008 (ie, chosen to give the Democratic nominee a majority of its votes even though their Congressional delegations were either mostly GOP members or strongly dominated by the GOP) began looking at the idea of changing the way they awarded their electoral votes in the way that Maine and Nebraska do. These legislators pointed out, using Virginia as an example, Obama had only won 6 of Virginia’s 11 Congressional districts and did win a majority of the popular vote but got the state’s entire 13 votes; in Ohio, Obama had only won 8 of the state’s 18 Congressional districts while winning a majority of the state’s popular vote but he got the state’s 20 electoral votes; and in Pennsylvania, Obama only got 9 of the state’s 19 Congressional districts but winning a popular vote majority. In those states, if they were using the Maine-Nebraska system, McCain would’ve received 5 EVs from Virginia, 10 from Ohio and 10 from Pennsylvania. Not nearly enough to change the Electoral College results in 2008, obviously but there were several other states that Obama won where the Maine-Nebraska system could’ve tilted things in McCain’s favor: Indiana would’ve given McCain 6; North Carolina would’ve given McCain 7; Florida would’ve given McCain 15. (It should be noted not all these states even briefly considered changing how they award their electoral votes.) Fortunately, saner heads prevailed by realizing the same thing could happen in an election where the GOP nominee might win the state as a whole but lose enough of a number of Congressional districts to let the Democrat win the Electoral College.

  3. In my high school class, there was someone who was also Mike Johnson. One of his popular nicknames was “Psych”, and NOT because he was a student of psychology.


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