For perhaps the first time in his entire adult life the Diapered Don is being told what to do, forced to spend extended periods of time sitting in one spot quietly, told to sit down, behave and shut the F up, and it is making him absolutely miserable… as many photos of him in his NY City courtroom attest.

And I not ashamed to admit that I am enjoying it.

And, over at Twitter, there are may others enjoying his comeuppance also:

That’s right, Fred, no executive time, no sleeping in until noon before hitting the links in the Florida sunshine with your clutch of toadies praising every swing of your club as if you were Jack Nicklaus. Isn’t it glorious!

It’s so frustrating that he literally can’t wait to rush to a camera after and violate his gag order. Spoiled brat just has to act out after being made to behave…




Me too, Cyn!



No doubt.









This is much better than The Apprentice ever was…

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