Selling your soul to Satan is not a cheap proposition, as the Republican National Committee is finding out. The interesting thing here is what a symbiotic relationship it is. Trump needs them to kick him down money and the RNC needs Trump to make money. And nobody is sure what’s going to happen in 2024. Trump, in particular, isn’t worried about that. He’s got too many legal headaches to think that far ahead.

Loan servicing and legal bills, neither of which are cheap.

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  1. They hitched their wagon to a bloated toxic toad and they will pay the price for years to come. He will kick them in teeth over and over again and they’ll keep lapping it up. How do they face themselves in the mirror?

  2. If it helps settle the disagreement on the right, I think I speak for all progressives in saying we are 100% okay with you putting the Trump name on everything the RNC sends. In fact, we will do you one better and make sure to link Trump and the GOP on everything we send as well. You’re welcome!


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