Digital media is a wonderful tool, insofar as you can target it to be ruling the airwaves in certain locales and at certain times. The piece that you’re about to see will be viewed by fans of the Kentucky Derby, which always draws a huge audience, Fox News on Sunday morning, and last but emphatically not least, Palm Beach, Florida this weekend as the Republican illuminati descend upon Mar-a-Lago for the purpose of vetting VP candidates and writing huge checks. Um…do you think you’d be motivated to write a huge check out to the star of this mini opus?

From the Lincoln Project press release today:

May 3, 2024 – Are you incontinent? 
Does your family hate you? 
Is your lawyer testifying against you? 
Do you face decades in jail?

Then is there ever a product for you! Trump Diapers allow you to spend hours in a freezing courtroom when the judge won’t let you use the restroom every time they scare the shit out of you. 

This Lincoln Project ad will run in West Palm Beach this weekend on NBC during the Kentucky Derby coverage and on FOX News Sunday morning. It will also run digitally at Mar-A-Lago.

“We know Donald ‘Von ShitzInPants’ Trump will hate that this commercial is going to be seen by all his top donors this weekend as they do Apprentice-style tryouts with potential Vice Presidential picks,” said Rick Wilson, Lincoln Project co-founder. “He’s farting and falling asleep in the courtroom because he’s lost control of his faculties. When his donors see this ad, they will see him for what he is: weak and feeble.” 

As I inquired earlier, can you see yourself writing a fat check for Donald Trump after watching this? This pretty much sets the tone for this election year. Each day that goes by in New York with the hush money trial shows Trump off to worse and worse advantage. He may have his Evangelical sycophants saying that God has called him to great service but that’s becoming increasingly more ludicrous as the days go by.

The trial is showing Trump up for who and what he is: a tabloid creature with a lot of money and the ability to hire people who will help him break the law. His foray into national politics was a farce and has been a black eye to America. Any potential donor knows this. The question remains, are they willing to take a spin on the roulette wheel, that none of this matters and Trump can win again anyway?

I guess we’re going to find out who the gamblers are in the GOP after this weekend. Or, maybe they’re just so programmed that they’ll write checks to anything, any entity at all, with an R behind his name. So far that’s been the guiding principle that has gotten Trump even this far.

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  1. This is the right approach.

    Don’t just laugh at him.

    Make him the object of sheer ridicule, then join everyone else laughing.

    Trump Diapers, when he’s tried selling everything else, such a natural fit with his image.


  2. “Trump Diapers: If They Can Contain Donald’s Shit They Contain Yours!” seems like a fitting slogan and tag line for ads.

    • “Using Trump diapers, you can relax and be sure it all goes to the can with you, however, those wet farts may exceed the designed capture system and annoy the whole room of people around you” … “Example: Trump himself … Time and again …”

      This smooth move by the Lincoln Project, will obviously bring Trump’s blood pressure up, because he has to admit his problem to scold them back and in the meantime, his salutes to the public will find their way to enough important money people to make their eyes water and move them away to a more ventilated area for their own comfort … Typically Trump will track people around an area, his persona demands up close, face to face “Deals”, He has to be sure to convince them directly, hence, the low level talking, possibly, an unexpected eruption and the farewell at the door will NOT involve any hand shakes, Maybe just a hurried run to the car or limo, saying “Good luck Fartso, you stinking sow”,

  3. I doubt this ad is aimed at dingle berry donors-they are looking at something beyond Diapers and they’re using him as a stepping stone. Plus, their donations resulted in tremendous ROI last time he was in the oval–those 2017 tax cuts lined their pockets quite nicely. The v.p. wannbes don’t care either as this makes it that much easier for them to have him declared incompetent and unable to fulfill his prez. duties (like he ever did that. shit, what a joke). The next one running with trump is going to be a lot more cutthroat than milquetoast was and they’ll have no problem drumming his ass out of office and into an institution. This all combines to make the donors and the wannabes partners. The election might be stolen in 2024 (trump is not going to be freely and fairly elected) but trump himself won’t be in office for long. That he has no clue what awaits him should he successfully steal the election is rather lip-smacking but the price to get rid of his ass is way too high. This ad is merely out there to piss him off. It will do that quite well.

    I also don’t see him setting aside his rampant misogyny any time soon so I think stefanik, etc. are wasting their time. The females trying to get on his ticket are anti-abortion extremists and will attract very few women voters-in this election abortion is likely to be high on voter lists as a reason to vote D.


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