Okay, which one of you let the black cat out of the bag here? Somehow the Graham Cracker has discovered that you and I and the rest of the party have been doing witchcraft on Donald Trump. Was Lindseed undercover at an Antifa meeting, maybe? Or, was he standing in line at George Soros’ payroll window at the bank, to get all that cash that George kicks down to us weekly? Fess up now. It will go easier on you if you confess.

Yes, that groaning you hear is John McCain rolling over in his grave once again. I wonder if McCain knows what Trump has on Lindsey. What could it be that it’s worth selling his soul to the devil for? What if it’s what we all suspect anyhow, that Trump’s got some kompromat on Lindsey sleeping with a guy and maybe the guy(s) was underage. In all seriousness, if that headline appeared on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow most people would yawn.

Wait a minute, I’ve got an idea: Could it be Melania using voo doo on Donald? I mean, who has the most to gain from him either being away a very long time or maybe just not being here at all? I’m told that motive is always something high on the list of things to look at when a *crime* is being committed or even contemplated.

I think he’s dragging the right leg. So which one of you is in charge of the pins in the leg? Do I have to do everything around here? We all agreed at the meeting of the coven, last full moon, that it was going to be the right leg. Now we find out somebody’s sticking pins in the left leg. Oh hell, let’s just stick pins in both and be done with it.

This is good. The fortune cookie gambit is a great idea. You’ll get a bonus for this. I’ll talk to George, not to worry.

Mitch is on his way out, Teddums will do well to keep his Senate seat and Miss Lindsey evidently believes that only fidelity to Trump is the key to his victory. What is it with South Carolina senators? Tim Scott debases himself regularly to stay in Trump’s graces and even take a shot at the number two spot on the ticket and now Graham comes along with this.

Say, maybe somebody with a voodoo doll caused Trump to miss his gig in North Carolina on Saturday? Ya spose?


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  1. I’d never buy one of those ridiculous Trumpy Bears. However, if someone were to make a parody version (ill fitting blue suitcoat, white shirt and red tie optional) complete with ridiculous hairdo I’d buy one. And the pins? A bunch of those hard core acupuncture needles that had the place on the end where you can put incense and light it.

    Maybe someone with photoshop skills could make a Trump version of the pinhead character from Hellraiser. Hell, sell sets of them that can be attached to a cork bulletin board. Or even a dartboard with a dumpy & frumpy trump on it.

  2. Legal voodoo = the law of whatever jurisdiction prosecuting trump for his crimes. Ever since becoming a spineless lackey for dingle berry, Graham, a former attorney in the Navy, has become a shameful joke. Never agreed with him probably ever but like John McCain he often had my respect. When the mango moron came along, John McCain retained my respect. Lindsay? Not so much.


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