History doesn’t repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme   Will Rodgers

It sure is funny, isn’t it, how 3rd rate, authoritarian, dipsh*t dictator wannabes have a habit from almost automatically all go to the same, worn playbook when their authority or regimes are threatened?

November 10, 2020 to January 20, 2021. Lame duck President Donald Trump is in the hurt locker. Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the 2020 election. Trump’s Big Lie may be revving up his GOPtard base, but nobody else is impressed. He’s about to go 0-64 in state and federal lawsuits to overturn the election, and even his own Vice President won’t do his illegal part by refusing to certify the election and throw it back to the US House of Representatives to install him as a dictator. What to do?

Here’s what he did, and I want you to pay attention, because we’re going to be doing a side-by-side comparison shortly;

  • Trump desperately wanted to use The Insurrection Act to put armed US troops into American streets to deal with pesky non violent protesters, most of whom don’t look like him. Not only wouldn’t the military go along, his own hand picked Justice Department wouldn’t play ball
  • So Traitor Tot tried to turn the independent Justice Department into a flunky agency, trying to fire current senior members and appoint lackeys who would fall in line for whatever he wanted. But when his own hand picked senior officials threatened to resign en masse, turning the DOJ into a skeleton crew, that plan came a cropper
  • We know from documents uncovered by the J7 Committee as well as the DOJ that in a panic, El Pendejo Presidente actually went so far as to have the JCS draw up plans to physically attack Iran on a palsied basis. His idea was that he could use the cockamamie excuse of FDR to proclaim himself a wartime President, delaying the transfer of power to Biden for the duration. Notso-Hotso
  • In a last ditch attempt to hold onto power, Trump personally unleashed a homicidal mob of mouth breathers on the Capitol, with the idea of disrupting the electoral college vote, causing a constitutional crisis, and hopefully throwing the whole mess to the US House to decide. Best one yet, since he’s now under federal indictment for trying to foment an insurrection

These are all simple facts, and we’ve been living with the fallout for the last four long years now, and will be for the considerable future to come. But what does any of that have to do with the price of tea in China? Well, let’s just compare the actions of Il Douche with those of another far right dictator wannabe whose shelf life has also expired.

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu hasn’t been a popular politician in Israel for more than a decade now. A far right version of what the Jewish people would call an Israeli Nationalist, But just as His Lowness has his own rock solid minority base of racist knuckleheads, so does Netanyahu have a rock hard loyal base of far right Israeli nihilists.

Thanks to Israel’s parliamentary system of government, and a plethora of political offshoot parties, it is virtually impossible for a single party to gain enough seats in the Knesset to obtain complete control. In fact, the only reason that Netanyahu is in power right now is because his last opponent, Benny Ganz was unable to cobble together a ruling moderate liberal coalition, but Netanyahu was able to put the band back together. And like Traitor Tot, he literally sold his soul to the extremists to cobble it all together.

But life hasn’t exactly been a bed of roses since Netanyahu, still under the cloud of national indictments for corruption, planked his ass back down in the seat of power. The Israeli people don’t want him, and they haven’t for quite a while now, but due to a kink in their particular democracy, they’re stuck with him. Sound familiar? So what has Bogue Benjy been doing since he got back in power?

  • With both himself and his wife facing criminal corruption charges, which would be heard by the Israeli Supreme Court, Bibi set out to rig the books. He had his hand picked Knesset pass a law that would allow his hand picked Knesset to overturn Supreme Court decisions they or he personally didn’t like. It didn’t work out well
  • Traitor Tot had about 5000 brain dead thugs show up to storm the Capitol on January 6th to try to stop the vote counting. Bibi should be so lucky. What he got was tens of thousands of unarmed, peaceful protesters come out to clog the Knesset and downtown Tel Aviv. And not just once, they kept showing up for weeks, and even general strikes were threatened
  • Netanyahu would have given his left nut to use the Israeli military on the protesters, but they preemptively cut him off at the knees. Scores of military reservist of every branch, the backbone of the Israeli Defense Force made it clear that they would defy mobilization orders if they were to be put in Israeli streets. Humiliated, Netanyahu dropped the whole thing when the Israeli Supreme court found the new law unconstitutional

Notice the similarities? But here’s the McGuffin, the reason that Traitor Tot and Netanyahu failed when autocrats like Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler and Orban succeeded. All of them got into power with weak democracies, but they took the time to undermine the existing democratic institutions and shuttered the media before they declared their ultimate authority. Trump and Netanyahu came into healthy democracies, and tried to overthrow the governments from the top down. And were rebuffed by the guardrails and popular revolt.

Here’s where the two man children differ. I don’t mind saying it, Benjamin Netanyahu is Hitler without the cowlick and silly moustache. He is a nihilist dictator at heart, and nothing would please him more than to visit the Holocaust the Jews suffered on the Palestinians. He is driven by a thirst for absolute power, and as we all know by bitter experience, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Benjamin Netanyahu caught what was for the nation of Israel an unspeakable tragedy, but what was for him, both personally and politically a golden lifeline. On October 7th, scores of HAMAS fighters stormed across the Gaza border into Israel, Killing more than 1400 Israelis, and taking scores more hostage. The world recoiled in horror, and Israel was the victim.

What for the nation of Israel was an unspeakable tragedy was for Netanyahu a gift from God. Netanyahu’s political woes were all internal, and now he did what Trump couldn’t, he rode the national wave of revulsion to become a wartime President. Even his sworn political enemy Benny Ganz joined Netanyahu’s wartime cabinet in a show of national solidarity.

But just like Traitor Tot, Netanyahu, for all of his years in the game, is a political imbecile. With pretty much the entire globe behind him, rather than ordering surgical strikes to take out known HAMAS outposts, and try to rescue the hostages in rightful fury, Netanyahu instead unleashed what can only be charitably referred to as The Invasion of Western Europe in 1940. He ordered a sturm und drang carpet bombing campaign in Gaza with no other desired result except to kill as many Palestinians as possible, and force immediate capitulation. It didn’t work. HAMAS has never given a s*t about the Palestinian people who never wanted HAMAS in the first place, and Bibi’s heavy handed response quickly stripped away any sympathy or support that the international community had for Israel. And now even the steadfast Joe Biden is threatening to take his military toys away.

Trump tried to draw up orders to go to war with Iran in a desperate last ditch attempt to stay in power. He failed. But Netanyahu succeeded, in a same last ditch desperate power grab.

Two weeks or so ago, Netanyahu unleashed a drone strike on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, killing seven high ranking Iranian Revolutionary Guard generals and commanders. This was a literal declaration of war by Israel against the sovereign nation or Iran. Hell, every mental midget knows that a foreign embassy stands on their sovereign national soil. With the entire world as well as his own people against him, he turned to an actual war with Iran as his last way to stay in power.

The Iranian response was almost remarkable measured and tolerant. Rather than knee jerk a destructive punitive response against largely civilian populations, the Iranians weighed their options for two weeks. And when they finally responded, they shot off some 200 drones the size and speed of metro buses, along with missiles from a distance of some 700 miles, allowing the Israeli’s, US military, and Jordanian military plenty of advance warning to shoot down the vast majority. They also shot off a lesser number of drones and missiles from Lebanon and Syria, to show that they can strike from shorter distances, giving Israel less time to respond.

The simplest and most logical decision is to call it a day and go home. And Iran has already stated publicly that they’re ready to do that. They put out a statement saying that this was the only response to the embassy attack they planned to make. Realpolotik? You pushed me, I pushed you, let it go.

But I’m sorry, I just can’t see it playing out that way. Iran is ready to let it go, the last thing they want is a wider spread Middle east conflict that could bring in the US and Saudi Arabia in against them, like happened in Hussein’s disastrous invasion of Kuwait. But Bibi Netanyahu is working from political desperation here. and he needs this distraction with Iran.

Here’s why. If Israel lets this go, once again the world spotlight is on The Gaza Strip. And Netanyahu can’t afford that. He is committed to a large scale ground offensive into Raffa to wipe out as many Palestinians as he can. But if the spotlight is on Gaza, even his own people will revolt, and his power will end.

I fear that the only option that Netanyahu feels he has at this moment is to order a strike directly on Iranian soil, possibly with Israeli fighter jets surgically knocking out Iran’s nuclear program sites. This would draw an enraged Iranian response, and this time there would be severe Israeli civilian casualties.

Which is fine with the Hebrew Hitler. With the world media and attention focused on the increasing wider Middle east conflict, Netanyahu can pull his Raffa massacre with a muted world media response. He can basically destroy the Gaza Strip, and then bring his forces home to concentrate on the Iran conflict.

There’s just one small problem. By the time that Netanyahu finishes his Gaza slaughter, it may well be too late to turn the heat back down, and deescalate the conflict with Iran. Sh*t, Iran will be fighting for its national survival just as much as Israel will be. And good luck trying to put that toothpaste back in the tube.

I’ll close with this. Netanyahu is Trump, and Trump is Netanyahu. They’re both closet authoritarians in countries where authoritarianism won’t fly right now. But these two sh*theels couldn’t care how many people, including their own citizens they jail, displace, or even murder to get to where they want to go. This should be a front-and-center tutorial for what’s at stake in the 2024 election.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. The downside for BoobBoob is his missive defense worked TOO WELL, with no Israeli casualties or damage……..it’s hard to whip the masses into a patriotic frenzy of revenge when basically, nothing happened.

    His goal of taking the spotlight off of Gaza so he can quietly finish his genocide of the Palestinian people will have to wait…..for now…….until the next “emergency situation” arises.

    • Wish you were right but if we don’t stop him he will continue his heinous genocide in Gaza. His brother was a true hero, he led the rescue of the Jewish prisoners at Entebbe and was the only casualty. Bibi is a sick, desperate man. Sound like anyone we know?

  2. I’ve been suspicious of the ‘attack’ by Hamas from the outset.

    Mossad is reckoned to be one of the top intelligence agencies going and, to me, there’s NO way they didn’t have an inkling of what Hamas intended and Netanyahoo would have known it was coming, but he allowed it to happen

    Why? Simply so that he had an excuse to start a wart to divert attention to his blatant corruption and, as you said, O Son of the Uí Murchadha, to consolidate his own power and hang on to his ill-gotten gains (and stay out of jail)

  3. Your Bibi to hitler comparison is more than a little off the money. Why? Because Israel is going after a group, hamas, who has the sole raison d’etre of ridding the world of all Jews. Israel isn’t and hasn’t gone after all the Arabs, and let’s retire the “palestinian” thing as it isn’t really a thing to begin with, in Gaza/West Bank. Just on that basis alone a better comparison to hitler would be hamas…unless of course you support hamas and reading some of this I’m starting to wonder.

    Is Bibi doing it wrong? Oh f*ck yeah he is and Israelis are taking of the blinders they put on back in October. I predict a different outcome should elections be called on bibi-and he might not have the reactionary moron base due to what Israel’s s.c. decided regarding the hard right males and their avoidance of Israel’s draft.

    Is bibi trump? Yeah, I’ll go along with that. Is bibi the first leader of a nation to ignore warnings given to it by its intelligence service/military? Not hardly-see 9/11 just as a “for instance”.

    I’m having a real hard time judging Israel/bibi for “genocide” when they are going after a terrorist group, and I hope you all remember that IS what hamas is, who itself wants to commit…wait for it…actual genocide. And I will always go back to this with regard to the Gazan citizenry: overthrowing dictators and other evil is never easy. They might want to think about that when this is all over and they are basically starting over because that’d be a good time to re-think letting a terrorist reside amongst you and tunnel under your homes.

    • No they’re not, THAT’S the problem…They’re targeting Palestinians, not HAMASm they know their way around that place dogs on the scent…The IDEF is killing ANYTHING hat moves, whether HAMAS, civilians, clearly identified aid workers, or even their own barechested hostages with their hands up…

  4. spike…making excuses for the genocide of 35,000 Palestinians, 15,000 of them children is not justifiable under any religious belief system. It appears your Jewish blinders are working. Running an apartheid system since 1948 creates terrorists, as Bibi is doing now.


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