The week is getting off to a rollicking start. The business day just began a few hours ago on the east coast and defendant Donald Trump is already endangering an officer of the court by ordering anybody who listens to him that “you’re to go after this attorney general” and the judge hearing the case is “a rogue judge.” A rogue judge on a bench trial is a novel concept and who is responsible for the fact that this is a bench trial and not a jury trial? Why, none other than his flaky lawyer, Alina Habba Dobba Do.

I listened to it three times and I hear, “you’re to go after this attorney general” not “you ought to.” That’s blatantly instructing listeners and he means MAGA, when he says “the people” that translates as MAGA, to go after an officer of the court.

Here’s a clever meme.

Stop the count is a great idea. I think professional sports teams should use it. The minute you’re losing a game — wait! Stop the count!

I cannot overstate how unusual it is that this lawyer, Habba, didn’t calendar the dates when they were received by the court. That’s the first thing that anybody does. She effectively waived Trump’s right to a jury trial by screwing up.

In a normal law office of litigators, a conference room or office will be set up to deal with a specific trial. It’s called a “war room” and in it are all the trial materials, deposition transcripts, subpoenas, evidence, and the trial dates are put on a white board. If Habba doesn’t have that much organizational ability then I begin to wonder if she’s ever litigated a case in her life. This is so basic. Deadlines are crucial.

Here’s a great meme. Trump is pure as the driven snow.

This is what I ask every day. Trump is a seditious slug. He’s totally irresponsible and he’s vengeful. He continues to attack judges and attorneys general — whom he calls “attorney generals” because he doesn’t know the first thing about law or government.

That’s the way a criminal conspiracy goes. First the little fish then on to the Big Kahuna. And here’s Trump pushing his newest obsessive lie, that the judge assessed his property. The judge is quoting the County Assessor, nothing more.

There you have it folks, it’s all a Deep State plot. Righto. The takeaway here is that Trump is plenty fearful and agitated. And that’s unusual, actually. Even if he loses his New York properties, he’s still got all the rest. Me thinks that there’s some key piece of information, maybe more than one, that we don’t have. Why would a multi-billionaire care about losing a few buildings in one city, when he’s got properties and clubs all around the world?

Something is fishy and as we know, the fish rots from the head down. Stay tuned.



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    • and since it is not only entirely possible but probable he obtained the loans using fraudulent information, I expect those loans will be called in immediately. When you sign paperwork, and someone had to, for loans regardless of the amount, there are clauses one of which deals with fraud. Banks and the rest do not like fraud. Now, the saudi p.o.s. might not give a damn and likewise putie so if he still has anything left to sell/rent real estate-wise, he’ll still be able to launder money for them (and their buddies).

    • Excellent point. And who knows what will be left in the coffers after all those people get paid? Actually, I’ll tell you who knows: Melania’s lawyers. I’ll bet you that of all the characters in Trump world, they’ve got the straight scoop on what’s worth what and who’s standing in line to get paid.

  1. If you or I said the shit this moron does on a daily basis, at the very LEAST we’d have a visit from law enforcement. Why in the hell isn’t he receiving punishment, escalating as he ignores laws, judges, etc.?

    Do not expect us to obey the laws of this land until and unless EVERYONE must do so.

    • Exactly! Traitor Tot should be sitting in a 6×8′ cell while waiting for his trials. How many times does he get to violate the terms of his bail before he is jailed!?!?

  2. My advice to whatever judge has the power is NOT to put Trump in jail The absolute worst thing that they could do to him is to lock him (at the risk of being politically incorrect) lock him in the most secure looney ward of St Elizabeth’s Hospital in DC for the duration of ALL his trials, letting him out only to attend the trials Otherwise, they should keep him “for evaluation” with only monitored visits and no electronic contact with the outside world. He likes to project and calls everyone involved “deranged” and “corrupt” so why not give him some serious ante-derangement treatments at St Lizzie, like shock treatments or a lobotomy?

  3. it also occurs to me that Trump may not actually own anything other than a majority stake in the Trump organization. the business may own all the properties, maybe including his apartment in Trump tower. and while engoran’s ruling doesn’t preclude the Trump organization from doing business in other states all those properties are still assets of the organization.
    I also recall reading something that said all the golf courses, clubs etc all lose money every year. Trump then declares that any given property has increased in value by the amount lost. he then borrows that amount for maintenance and improvements. but he borrows from himself. he almost literally takes money out of one pocket and puts it in the other. there’s no way for him to make money doing this unless the money is coming from someone else. he’s not very bright but I’m guessing he knows what a forensic accountant is and he wouldn’t want them looking into something like that.
    finally, he’s kind of right about the valuation of Mal. in northeast Florida tax assessments are for the determination of property taxes agave nothing to do with market value. this being Florida, higher value property is given lower assessments so rich folks can pay less tax. I have no direct knowledge of properties like that but when my dad died his home was assessed at 85k and I sold it for 178. I think two to three times the assessed value is pretty standard.

    • That part about the tax assessments is correct BUT I also know that most people, when receiving too low an assessment (and Trump’s been screaming about how it’s worth “100 times” the assessment) will fight that assessment because the assessed value is also what banks and other financial institutions will use when recommending for things like loans. You CANNOT just go to a bank and say “My property’s worth eleventy billion dollars and I’m simply asking for a simple one billion dollar loan” without having PROOF that the property IS, in fact, “worth” that eleventy billion dollars. And said proof comes via the tax assessor’s office.

  4. Is this Bedford Falls? Is there a scene like the run on the bank? A run on the Bailey Savings and Loan? This time there’s no Mary to save him with honeymoon cash. It’s ok…he’s no George Bailey, he’s Mr. Potter. I bet his buddies putin and the prince won’t bail him out.

    • Considering Christofascist Alina Habba has NO prior courtroom experience, and her only major client was a Parking Lot Co. she wrote letters for…. no surprise at all that she failed to Calendar the Dates and failed to check a box in filings back to the Court indicating she requested a jury trial instead of bench trial.

      This is what Karma in action looks like. Trumplethinskin is down to Magat attorneys who have no business representing clients B4 ANY Judge. No credible atty. will touch Trump with a 100′ pole unless they have a death wish at this point.


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