One thing that Donald Trump has inspired is great parody. It makes perfect sense. The man is a walking joke to begin with. He got into politics because his next failed enterprise was going to be Trump TV, a venture conceived in Hell which was going to be midwifed by Steve Bannon — also conceived in Hell. That’s the alternate universe you and I missed, friends, Hillary in the White House while Trump bashed her nonstop from the airwaves and vowed to run again in 2020. That was America’s road not taken and we will never know what it looked like.

So here we are, in this reality, where Trump bedevils us. There are some wonderfully talented musicians and digital artists who cobble together terrific videos and they take the load off our burdens with their poetry, industry, and ingenuity. And the iconic Saturday Night live does the same and they’re here, too. You will enjoy this first piece. Maybe Trump can do political commentary from his jail cell on Trump TV, ya spose?

Isn’t that a delight? Here’s another one, Hitler Phones Trump. We assume it was a perfect call.

More gaffes to be made in New Hampshire coming up, I have no doubt. Plus, today could be the day that Ron DeSantis gives up the ghost. He’s canceled his Sunday show participation and that can’t be a harbinger of anything good. Good for him. It’s great for us, one more horrible candidate out of the picture.

So it could be down to the proverbial horserace, with Trump and Nikki Haley. Unless DeSantis pulls a rabbit out of a hat from somewhere. Speaking of DeSantis, SNL nailed him last night, as it did Trump and Alina Habba. This is choice.

The November election. Be there. Will be wild.


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