Wow! Former Fox Reporter Mercilessly Rips Tucker Carlson!



Every once in a while, the news feels oh so good. This is especially true when it is bad news for someone who has so dearly earned it … at Fox.

Bring it, HuffPo

Carl Cameron, the former chief political correspondent at Fox News, called out the network’s primetime host Tucker Carlson on Thursday for claiming that white supremacy in America is “a hoax.”

“It’s just not accurate,” Cameron told CNN’s Hala Gorani.

Mr. Cameron, we could not appreciate your words more. But, I think the phrase you might consider, next time, is just noting that Tucker Carlson’s voice-box might well be mainline-hoax-capital-USA.

But, that is just me. Wait, no, it isn’t just me, as HuffPost goes on to explain:

“It’s not journalism,” added Cameron, who quit Fox News in 2017. “It is opinion-making. It is entertainment. And unfortunately, it’s an entertainment that can catch on with a very viralized American. It’s horrible and it’s not right and it’s good that he’s on a vacation, whether it was intended or not.”

It is not journalism? Yeah, 10-4 on that one. What was your first clue? It is propaganda, and propaganda always has a laser-like focus on an underlying purpose.

I am not here to disrespect people who find their way to the light, and then come out strongly, with the experience and background to back it up, all to calll out a Fox “character actor” or performance artist, whatever one wants to ascribe to the Tucker.

Again, because it cannot be said enough, Tucker Carlson believes the idea that there exists white supremacy in the United States is a hoax.

Funny enough, both the Trumper, and that little Tucker, believe that global warming is a hoax. Yet neither can explain why it feels much hotter in the last few days.


Peace, y’all. We were hot tempered yesterday, the tiny breeze is welcome.


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  1. Here’s where I’m going to disagree with the Fox person. The defense/criticism of Fox is often “it’s not news, it’s entertainment.” But let’s think about that.

    Entertainment programming is that which provides fun, leisure or amusement. Carlson’s intent isn’t to entertain his audience – it’s to encourage his audience to adopt a specific and extreme set of political principles, and to take action accordingly. This is done through any means necessary, whether that be exaggeration, misrepresentation of fact (which we sometimes call lying), deflection, or a myriad of other logical fallacies.

    Carlson doesn’t care whether his audience is amused…he cares that they adopt his extreme views. That’s not entertainment programming, it’s radicalization. Carlson is radicalizing his audience, and this is his intent.

    We might question whether that’s true by questioning whether Carlson wants his audience to engage in violent acts. But while violence is often a hallmark of radicalization, it’s not the only desired reaction. Carlson wants his audience entrenched in a very specific set of extreme political principles, and he wants the bubble around them to be full of lies and false information. He wants this to result in loathing and hatred of their political opponents, and he wants it to result in political action. So even if his excuse that he didn’t intend to encourage violence, it’s still radicalization.

    Which is why we should continue to encourage advertisers that this network doesn’t deserve their support, and needs to be off the air.

  2. Tucker Carlson is an IDIOT , he’s a disgrace, a joke . He needs to go away. His type is why Fox news is considered to be propaganda , him, Laura, Hannity ….Clown Show


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